Object description
British civilian obtained release of son held hostage in Iraq during Gulf War, 1990.
Content description
REEL 1: Aspects of period in GB, 1990: description of non-pacifist anti-war stance; attitude to Palestinian problem; story about receiving news of son Christopher being taken hostage in Kuwait, 8/1990; problem of lack of news about son and other hostages; story of receiving letter from son while held at Haditha Dam on the Euphrates; opinion of media coverage and role of Margaret Thatcher prior to Gulf War; attitude to support of Labour Party for Government policy; story of using media to protest against war; attitude to Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and role of US, 2/Aug/1990; opinion of Tony Benn; reason for supporting economic sanctions against Iraq; opinion of Saddam Hussein; reason for linking Gulf War to Palestinian problem; attitude to media image as father of hostage; concern for welfare of son; description of activities to promote peace and prevent war in Gulf; problem of lack of contact with Government and Foreign Office; meetings with families of other hostages; opinion of Gulf Support meetings; reaction to visit by Ted Heath to Iraq; attitude of Iraqi Embassy to case; cost of campaign to free son.
REEL 2 Continues: Aspects of period in Iraq, 1990: reasons for going to Iraq, 11/1990; description of negotiations with government ministers and television appearances in Baghdad; story of attending Peace Press Conference in Baghdad and delivering speech about freeing son; story of meeting with son and reaction of son to visit; description of effects of economic sanctions in Iraq and Jordan; anxiety about not being able to return to GB; importance of BBC World Service in obtaining news; concern for family and business in GB; attitude to Iraqi 'will of God' response to son's release; rationale behind taking hostages and release; story of seeing murals of Saddam in Baghdad and Amman, Jordan; level of support for Saddam in Jordan; description of conditions in Baghdad and preparations for war; story of returning to GB with son via Amman, Jordan, 11/1990.
REEL 3 Continues: further description of journey back to GB; communications with London; pro-Saddam atmosphere in Amman; Saddam's reputation in Middle East after defeat in Gulf War. Aspects of period in GB, 1990-1992: story of son being debriefed by intelligence services on return; effect of captivity on son and family; opinion of Gulf Line; opinion of mail service from GB; attitude to British Government's policy and role of UN; reaction to military success of coalition forces in Iraq and casualties; question of Iraq being partitioned and possible civil war.
REEL 4 Continues: reflections on Gulf War; attitude to success in obtaining release of son; opinion of support from British Government and Foreign Office during crisis; relations with other hostage families; story of staying in peace camp outside Baghdad; further comments on mission to obtain release of son.
REEL 5 Continues: further reflections on reasons for going to Baghdad, 11/1990; attitude to West's treatment of Arab countries; continuing anti-war activities and with Labour Party.