Object description
British private served with 3rd and 2nd Bns King's Own Scottish Borderers in GB and on Western Front, 1914-1915; served with 3rd Bn Seaforth Highlanders in GB, 1916; served with Labour Corps on Western Front, 1917; served with Agricultural Company based at Berwick Barracks, 1917-1918. Served as special policeman in Eyemouth, 1939-1945
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of background in Eyemouth, 1896-1914: family circumstances; milk rounds; education; training in physical culture and running; work as farm hand, 1910-1914; religious background; decision to volunteer, 10/1914; Boys' Brigade activities. Recollections of conditions of service and training with King's Own Scottish Borderers at Berwick Barracks, 10/1914-11/1914: medical on recruitment, 25/10/1914; blue uniform; barrack accommodation; story of dispute with NCO over training run and subsequent refusal of position as PT instructor; food rations; drill.
REEL 2 Continues: rifle training and cleaning; relationship with other ranks and officers; kit inspections. Period with G Coy, 3rd Bn King's Own Scottish Borderers at Portland Bill Barracks, 11/1914-4/1915: route marches; bayonet training; tactical exercises; daily routine; story of winning 'stick' on parade; recreations; story of dispute with soldier over blankets; question of bullying by NCOs and stories illustrating consequent disputes.
REEL 3 Continues: Journey out with draft to join C Coy, 2nd Bn King's Own Scottish Borderers in Ypres area, Belgium, 4/1915: prior embarkation leave; submarine alert. Recollections of conditions of service and lifestyle in St Julian sector, Ypres, 4/1915: shortage of ammunition; kit carried; reactions to German shell fire; nature of trenches; reception from regulars; dugouts; food rations; water ration and brewing tea; question of cigarette and rum rations; personal appearance; latrines; absence of lice; rats; sentry duty; covering parties; German shell fire and sniping; rest periods.
REEL 4 Continues: traces of German gas during German gas attack, 4/1915; issue of gas masks. Account of attack on Hill 60, Ypres area, 12/5/1915: prior briefing; ineffective bombardment; multiple wounds in left side attacking across No Man's Land; return to British front line. Medical treatment during various stages of evacuation to GB, 5/1915: refusal of stretcher; lorry and barge journeys. Recollections of medical treatment during period at Craigreith Hospital, Edinburgh, 5/1915-12/1915: removal of shrapnel and splintered bone; attending father's funeral; periods in other hospitals; failure of physiotherapy on arm.
REEL 5 Continues: Story of fetching water during period of shortage in St Julian sector, 4/1915. Story of meeting soldier from Eyemouth on returning to British front line after attack at Hill 60, 12/5/1915. Period with 3rd Bn King's Own Scottish Borderers at Craigmiller Camp, Edinburgh, 1/1916: medical inspection and consequently excused duties; improvement in health. Recollections of period with 3rd Bn Seaforth Highlanders at Dunfermline and Bridge of Allan, 1916: kilt issued; posting to transport company; duties driving horse and cart; including grooming horses and preparing for competition; state of arm; duties on promotion to be colonel's groom; role looking after horses during route marches; story illustrating relationship with colonel.
REEL 6 Continues: break up of unit. Period at Labour Camp, Blairgowrie, 1917: work as officers servant; role of unit; assessment as fit for overseas service at medical examination, 6/1917. Period with Labour Corps on Western Front, 1917: failing medical and assignment to staff of No 2 Rest Camp, Le Havre; promotion to lance-corporal and supervising working parties unloading ships in dockyards; question of thefts from dockyards; German night air raids; German POWs at Harfleur POW Camp; recreations; story of meeting friend from Eyemouth. Recollections of period with Agricultural Company based at Berwick Barracks, 1917-1918: reception; role of unit; story of working on friend's farm; composition of unit; routine. Period with Labour Corps at Glencourse Camp, 1918. Demobilisation, 12/1918. Post-war career: holiday; football activities; work as driver and chauffeur.
REEL 7 Continues: work as chauffeur and cars driven; duties as special constable. Work as policeman at Eyemouth, 1939-1945: failed attempt to enlist and retention as special constable; duties; story of capture of deserters; story of arrest of drunken NCO; composition of force; organisation of bicycle and foot patrols; night call outs and policing blackout; police station; effects of German air raids; story of disarming insane farmer armed with gun and question of subsequent commendation; story capture of crew of German flying boat ditched in sea off Eyemouth; arrival ands security checks on Norwegians arriving in open boat from Norway.