Object description
British private served with 2/5th Bn Essex Regiment in GB, 1940-1941; NCO served with 1st Bn Durham Light Infantry in North Africa, Middle East, Malta and Greece, 1940-1943; POW in Greece and Germany, 1943-1945; NCO served with 1st Bn Durham Light Infantry in GB, 1945- 1946
Content description
REEL 1 Background in London, GB, 1916-1940: family; award for saving a girl's life when 11; education; work on railways; period of unemployment; delivery work for Sainsbury's; work in fur shop; return to railway work at King's Cross Station; training with St John's Ambulance Brigade.
REEL 2 Continues: outbreak of war 9/1939 whilst on holiday in Great Yarmouth; journey back to London; building of Anti-Aircraft positions; clearing of hospitals; reactions of civilians; ARP Post; football; blacking of roof; parties. Aspects of period as private with 2/5th Essex Regiment in GB, 1940-1941: call-up; medical; posted as stretcher bearer to 2/5th Essex Regt; training with broomsticks; trained as infantryman; TAB inoculations at Doddington; posted as medical orderly; physical training; medical course at Lilburn Tower; time at Beadnell; relationship with civilians; accommodation at Corbridge; stretcher bearer training; duties at Newburn Hotel after Dunkirk; treatment for leg injury; relationship with civilians.
REEL 3 Continues: Aspects of journey from GB to Egypt aboard Staff Northern: relationship with civilians in Durban; make-up and split of convoy; conditions onboard; trainee pilots onboard; HMS Nelson torpedoed; storm seen from deck; RAF troops onboard; transit camp at Geneifa. Aspects of period as NCO with 1st Bn Durham Light Infantry in North Africa, 1941: reception on joining 1st Bn; interview with Medical Officer Davis; reaction to joining Durham Light Infantry; promotions; state of Bn; movement around Delta. Aspects of operations as NCO with 1st Bn Durham Light Infantry in Syria and Lebanon, 1941: situations in Syria; role and accommodation; beer and cigarettes; debate about snow; artillery shelling in Merdjayoun; soldier captured; French Mongol treatment of local medical staff; treatment of civilians; news of posting to Malta; push on to Aleppo; surrender of Vichy French. Aspects of operations as NCO with 1st Bn Durham Light Infantry in North Africa, 1941-1942: journey to and arrival in Tobruk; sandstorm; positions occupied; fighting patrols.
REEL 4 Continues: listening patrols; story of death at Stand To; use of water rations; attack on water truck; movement of wounded; drinking of urine; split of Coy in positions; description of positions; patrols through positions; Medical Comforts from Rothmans and evacuation of wounded; removal of dead and reactions to work; story of self-inflicted wound; escape of Lance Corporal Jacky Reeves; accommodation and activities in reserve lines; rum ration; stories of troops in line; movement through minefields; other units in line; casualties from attack on escarpment; relief of Tobruk.
REEL 5 Continues: gerbils in dugouts; health of troops; washing on beach; supplies; rations; medical supplies; health problems treated; jaundice; evacuation from Tobruk; leave in Alexandria; anti-anthrax vaccinations; training with mules at Sinai; attack on journey to Malta. Aspects of period as NCO with 1st Bn Durham Light Infantry in Malta, 1942: arrival in Valletta; duties in Malta Garrison; treatment of RAF pilots for polio; rations and building of sangers for airfields; air raids; clearing airfields after raids; visit of Viscount Gort; weapons on island; Germen airmen in hospital; bombing of hospital; treatment of impetigo; work on wards; bombing of hospital ship.
REEL 6 Continues: increasing air raids and casualties after fall of Tobruk; Fifth Column presence; patrol to look for Italian midget subs; curfew patrols; jailing of Brigadier; news of commando raid from locals; training for planned reconnaissance of Sfax; preparation from Padre; Malta declared Open City; return to Middle East; armed guard at hospital; Fifth Column presence on Malta; arrival of convoy; counter attacks in harbour; sangers built for Supermarine Spitfires; clearing of airfields after air raids; bombing of rest camp at Rabat; medical supplies; charge placed on; ship placed on; sister ship torpedoed; attack on voyage; boats for patients; story of Sergeant Thompson.
REEL 7 Continues: decision to head for Tripoli. Aspects of period as NCO with 1st Bn Durham Light Infantry in North Africa and Middle East, 1942-1943: German hospital ship in Tripoli harbour; journey to Sidi Bish; movement around camps and promotion to Sergeant; leave in Alexandria; anti-anthrax vaccinations; mountain warfare training and description of special stretcher used; training with Greek Cypriots; invasion training at Port Tewfiq; malaria course in Haifa; later malaria problem in Kos; time in transit camp; treatment of battalion for food poisoning; visit to friend in Geneifa hospital; return to Haifa to await departure for Kos; air drops of advance troops; journey to Leros; journey to Kos; reason for not using landing craft. Aspects of period as NCO with 1st Bn Durham Light Infantry in Greece, 1942-1943: units on island; medical duties; realisation caught in middle of fight; description of breakout and wounding.
REEL 8 Continues: wounds treated; hospital set up in Kos Town; treatment of Colonel John Kirby; conditions in hospital; change in Medical Officer; German casualties in hospital; reactions to German takeover. Aspects of period as POW in Greece, 1943: arrival of German personnel; time on Kos caring for wounded; rations; removal of cap badges; German doctor and evacuation of worst wounded; earlier rescue of RAF troops; commandos brought in; treatment from Germans; length of stay on Kos; note from commandos with map for escape; troops that escaped; shelling from HMS Sheffield; protection of patients from shelling. Aspects of period as POW in transit, 1943: journey to Athens; refusal to march to camp; treatment at camp; boarding of Capital Express; rations; other POWs in group; barbed wire on windows; escape advice from Greek railway workers; escape of Corporal Almond and others; reason for not doing so himself; route taken; routine on stops; air raid at Sofia. Aspects of period as POW in Germany, 1943-1945: arrival in Germany; meeting with cousin; smuggling of goods; German sentry.
REEL 9 Continues: reason for move across Germany; removal of boots and chaining together; journey in cattle trucks; arrival in Oflag 79; position of camp; previous prisoners; bombing of camp; war correspondent and publication of story; activities on frozen lake; treatment of wounded after raid; lamps made; puncturing of cans in Red Cross parcels; food bank and rations; confusion over medical status; memories of American Captain Williams; memories of Rolf from the German medical unit; story of an escape; changeover of guards; help given to escapees; Indian officers in hospital; help given by Indians when food short; decision to fight Germans; Gurkha capture of machine gun; reason for not fighting; Gestapo search for radio; liberation of camp; V2s under camp and help given to factory workers; story of John Almond; work in hospital after liberation; wait in Brussels for return; journey from Ostend to Tilbury; arrival in Tilbury; marriage; talk with Major Finniss; demobilisation at York; reason for not staying on for extra year.