Object description
British boy soldier and signaller served with 56th (1st London) Infantry Divisional Signals in London, GB, 1936-1939; signaller served with Signal Troop, 1st Regt, Royal Horse Artillery, 51st (Highland) Div in France, 1/1940-6/1940; prisoner of war in Stalag XXI-B, Schubin and Stalag-344, Lamsdorf, Germany, 7/1940-2/1945; prisoner of war in Theresienstadt Concentration Camp in Czechoslovakia, 1945; served with Czechoslovak Partisans in Susice, Czechoslovakia, 4/1945-5/1945
Content description
REEL 1 Background in London, GB, 1920-1936: family; education. Aspects of period as boy soldier and signaller with 56th (1st London) Infantry Divisional Signals in London, GB, 1936-1939: joining Territorial Army as boy soldier, 1936; attitude towards service with Territorial Army; reaction to declaration of Second World War, 3/9/1939; question of patriotism; his father's relative wealth; his estimate of chances against Germany at start of war and how those views were modified during fighting in France, 1940; initial duties. Recollections of period as signaller with Signal Troop, 1st, Regt, Royal Horse Artillery, 51st (Highland) Div in France, 1/1940-6/1940: superior attitude of territorials to conscripts.
REEL 2 Continues: gradual adjustment of reservists and territorials; relations with French civilians; question of presence of Fifth Column during retreat in 1940; signal line work, 1939-1940; period in Maginot Line; impressions of French Army. Aspects of operations as signaller with Signal Troop, 1st Regt, Royal Horse Artillery, 51st (Highland) Infantry Div in France, 1/1940-6/1940: retreat across northern France, 5/1940; German Air Force attacks and reasons for lack of response; disorganisation of retreat; his exhaustion on arrival in Saint-Valery-en-Caux; Bofors Gun hits on lorry; witnessing incident of rape.
REEL 3 Continues: capture by Germans. Aspects of period as prisoner of war in France, 6/1940: initial treatment by captors; pro-British attitude of his captors; opinion of professionalism of German Army; confinement in field; conditions on march to Germany; attitude of troops to prospect of escape. Recollections of period as prisoner of war in Stalag XI-B, Schubin, Germany including escape attempts in Germany, Poland and Belgium, 7/1940-2/1944: question of tying down German manpower; question of advantages to prisoners of war in co-operating with Germans; collapse of escape committee at Fort Rauch after his departure, 1943.
REEL 4 Continues: making contact with Polish civilian Lodzia Walkowska; construction of escape boat by prisoners of war; account of third escape attempt, 6/1942.
REEL 5 Continues: clarification of why escape attempt of 6/1942 was his third not his fourth escape attempt; continuation of account of his third escape attempt, 6/1942; his recapture by Germans; help received from professional burglar whilst he was in solitary confinement; contact with Pole willing to help him escape; exchange of his prisoner of war number with another prisoner of war, 12/1942; his stealing of Nazi Party member's wallet and passport.
REEL 6 Continues: preparations of false papers using stolen passport, 8/1943; his striking guard to prevent discovery of incriminating evidence, 1/11/1943; German preparation of court martial against him; secret code arranged with his fiancée in GB; information he sent to GB; arrival of escape materials from GB; British intelligence officer who handled escape materials poorly; help given to escapees by Polish woman Frau Bailey.
REEL 7 Continues: his fourth escape attempt, 2/1944; method of escape; refuge with Frau Bailey; his false papers; German efforts to find him; refuge with Walkowska family; securing contacts from Walkowska family; document check on Posen-Stettin train, 3/1944.
REEL 8 Continues: attempt to recruit help from prostitute in Stettin; reasons for leaving Stettin, 3/1944; sight of devastation of Berlin, 3/1944; train journey west across north Germany; soliciting help from German farmer's daughter; her motivation for helping an escaped prisoner of war; arrest on the express train to Brussels, Belgium; accusation that he was a spy.
REEL 9 Continues: his failure to deceive his interrogators; strip search by Gestapo; plan to escape from Eupen Prison, Belgium, 4/1944; discovery of prison escape attempt; removal to Aachen Prison; conditions in cells at Aachen Prison; question of MI9's awareness of his imprisonment in Aachen Prison; Royal Air Force air raid on Aachen, 9/4/1944; civilian hostility towards him in bombed Aachen on route to railway station, 4/1944.
REEL 10 Continues: train journey between Aachen and Posen; transfer to Gestapo Headquarters in Posen, 4/1944; wall tapping contact with Pole in next cell; his securing pencil and paper in cell; method of transferring written messages in prison; his embroidering escape details in belt; an unwise plan of escape; behaviour of Germans in Gestapo Headquarters, Posen; information Gestapo wanted.
REEL 11 Continues: interrogation techniques used by Gestapo; transfer to military prison in Posen; treatment received from German prisoners; use of four guards to transfer him; his befriending guard; transfer to military prison in Torgau, 7/1944; contact with agents in Torgau military prison; story of passed onto him by American agent; contact with Dutch Resistance prisoner; the condemned squad.
REEL 12 Continues: fate of Torgau prisoners; German demand for him not to reveal any secrets of Torgau, 9/1944; presence of prisoners from Peenemunde rocket site at Torgau; how he was last prisoner in Fort Rauch; sight of British Free Corps recruit. Recollections of period as POW in Stalag-344, Lamsdorf, Germany, 10/1944-2/1945: transfer to camp; encounter with Norman Rubenstein; arrangements for prisoner of war escapee 'safe house' in Posen; in punishment cell, autumn 1944; receiving visit from Red Cross and protest on his behalf.
REEL 13 Continues: description of punishment compound; plans for escape by tunnel; a corruptible guard; nature of tunnel plans and hiding entrance; intention of Germans to court martial him, 12/1944; disposal of sand from tunnel; spoof escape attempt as means of hiding him in main camp, 12/1944.
REEL 14 Continues: methods of hiding prisoners of war in camp; intensive search of camp for him, 23/12/1944; his contracting diphtheria, 12/1944; appearance of Soviet Air Force fighter aircraft over camp; guards firing on 'hidden' prisoners of war; opinion of leniency of guards; plan to escape through camp wire, 2/1945; foiling of escape attempt. Aspects of escape from train to Czechoslovakia, 2/1945: escape from train.
REEL 15 Continues: taking refuge in barn; narrow escape during German search; aid received from Czech farmer; need to move when Germans billeted on farmer; farmer's betrayal to Germans; recapture. Aspects of period as inmate in Theresienstadt Concentration Camp, Czechoslovakia, 1945: entry in camp; prior recollection of activities of razor gangs in Stalag-344, Lamsdorf.
REEL 16 Continues: his contact with razor gang members in concentration camp and on later march through Czechoslovakia; futile attempt by razor gangs to stop their heads being shaven in camp; living conditions in camp; conditions for Soviet prisoners of war; memories of inmate nicknamed 'Tel Aviv'; inmates 'crate' punishment; nature of anti-lice treatment.
REEL 17 Continues: death of Jewish inmates under punishment; visit to camp doctor; treatment of Soviet inmate's ulcers; sight of punishment cell; second hand story of German killing of inmate who did not work quickly enough; removal from Theresienstadt Concentration Camp by rail. Aspects of journey away from Theresienstadt Concentration Camp, Czechoslovakia, 1945: orders to work on damaged railway and refusal to work; raid to obtain food; joining column of prisoners of war marching westwards.
REEL 18 Continues: his role in attempts to acquire food from Czechs; case of bullying German guard; knifing of British prisoner of war by Italian and how he was taken to hospital; making contact with Czechoslovak Partisans and decision to join them; escape from prisoner of war column. Aspects of period with Czechoslovak Partisans at Susice, Czechoslovakia, 4/1945-5/1945: arrival at partisan headquarters; plan to disarm German garrison; how he dealt with sentry; rounding up garrison.
REEL 19 Continues: mission to take message to advancing Americans; his 'promotion' to sergeant; journey to contact Americans; liberation of Soviet prisoner of war column; encounter with American tanks; return to Susice with American tanks; news that Germans had retaken Susice; refusal of Germans to surrender at Susice; his safe conduct back to American lines; mopping up at Susice.
REEL 20 Continues: gifts to children in Mokrosuky; vengeance against German guards by prisoners of war. Reflections of period as prisoner of war in Germany and Czechoslovakia, 1940-1945: his attitudes towards Germans; friendships he made with Germans; effects of captivity on his character; question of British capacity for cruelty being no different than Germans; sight of hanged German prisoner near Maginot Line area, France, 1940; threat to bring charge against him for supposedly masquerading as a sergeant; award of Military Medal.
REEL 21 Continues: award of Military Medal and presentation.