Object description
British civilian Director of British Atlantic Committee in GB, 1982-1992
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of period as Director of British Atlantic Committee in GB, 1982-1992: background to formation of British Atlantic Committee, 1952; development of organisation up until time he joined as director in 1982; organisation's establishment as charity, 1970; problem of resurgence of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 1979; character of expansion of organisation during 1980s; associate membership; challenge to organisation's charitable status, 1982; formation of Peace Through NATO, 1983; the organisation's educational sub-committees; handling of head teacher visits to North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) headquarters.
REEL 2 Continues: organisation of 6th Form Conferences and 'Model NATOs' in schools; dissemination of information to schools; character of The Atlantic Education Committee; question of misconceptions about North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) amongst schoolchild; question of why GB could not be neutral along the Swedish model; question of Commonwealth as an alternative to an Atlantic alliance; problems of anti-Americanism faced by organisation.
REEL 3 Continues: work of educational adviser; work of British Atlantic Committee University Committee; nature of British Atlantic Youth; challenging issues typically raised in universities; barracking experienced in universities; parties escorted by organisation to Brussels, Belguim ; attempts to cultivate more adult audiences; range of schools that the organisation is invited to; character of membership.
REEL 4 Continues: membership fees; subjects dealt with by Council of British Atlantic Committee; question of interpreting and obtaining reassurances about North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) policy; question of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's approach to Neutron Bomb; problems of balanced point of view for organisation's information dissemination; justification of policy of first use of nuclear weapons; prospects of relations with Soviet Union under President Mikhail Gorbachov; question of whether North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) could ever be a non-nuclear alliance; background to becoming director of organisation.
REEL 5 Continues: impressions of Soviet officers he came into contact with in West.