Object description
British private served as despatch rider with 74 Motor Transport Coy, Army Service Corps in GB and on Western Front, 1914-1917; attached to 5th Heavy Bde, Royal Garrison Artillery on Western Front, 1917-1918; trained with RAF in GB, 1918
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of background in Todmorden area, 1893-1914: family circumstances; education; working for father's mineral water manufacturing business and effects of First World War; religious nature of Quaker upbringing; background to developing interest in motorcycles and cars; motorcycles owned; participation in international 6 day motorcycle trials at Carlisle, 1913; participation in London-Exeter-London car rally, 1913; work repairing own motorcycles.
REEL 2 Continues: Recollections of entering international six day motorcycle trials in France, 7/1914-8/1914: journey out; question of prior knowledge of approach of war; French mobilisation; cancellation of motorcycle trials; failed attempt to join French Army; lack of petrol; problem over lack of papers; French attitude to British civilians; abandoning motorcycles; journey back to GB. Background to recruitment as driver with Motor Transport Section, 74th Coy, Army Service Corps at Grove Park, London, 9/1914: prior failed attempt through excessive queues to join Lancashire Fusiliers; friend's intervention; assignment as lorry driver. Period at Bulford Camp, 9/1914: conditions of service; lorry driving test.
REEL 3 Continues: nature of training. Recollections of journey out to Rouen, France, 9/1914: comparative description of Daimler, Leyland, Hailey and Comet lorries; embarkation; composition of unit; question of extra pay as driver. Various aspects of period working from various railheads on Western Front, 1914-1916: role carrying food supplies for troops; shortage of uniform and kit; attachment to 7th Div; loading and checking lorry loads at railhead.
REEL 4 Continues: convoy discipline and procedure; rendezvous with horse transport; billets; food rations; role as driver; recreations; relationship with French and Belgian civilians; Christmas celebrations, 25/12/1914; view of gas casualties at Ypres, 4/1915; visits by Prince of Wales; Detachment as motorcycle mechanic at Army Service Corps Depot, Rouen, 1916-1917: role repairing faulty Scott motorcycles; question of fitting machine gun and sidecar to chain drive Clino motorcycle; reasons for requesting posting. Period as motorcycle despatch rider with Headquarters, 56th Heavy Artillery Bde Royal Garrison Artillery, 1917-1918: duties; story of move of signal office and subsequent direct hit by German shell; carrying firing programmes to batteries.
REEL 5 Continues: story of going forward to try and ensure demolition of trapped forward railway gun in Bapaume sector and subsequent close escape from shell during retreat to Doullens during German offensive in Somme area, 21/3/1918; role as despatch rider on Triumph motorcycle; oil used; story of collecting whisky for officer; question of coming under fire; personal dugout; reasons for volunteering to join Royal Flying Corps. Application for training as pilot with RAF at Hampstead, London and Bath, 4/1918-11/1918: medical and consequent nose operation; failing eyesight test as pilot; nature of training as observer officer at Bath; Armistice Day and taking unofficial leave, 11/11/1918; period in London prior to demobilisation, ca 4/1919. Post-war career as confectioner. Story of outbreak of war whilst attending international 6 day motorcycle trials in Munich, Germany, 9/1939: petrol shortage; attitude of German and Austrian civilians.
REEL 6 Continues: story of being given petrol by Austrian civilian; status as enemy alien; crossing border into Switzerland; story of hearing Hitler broadcast on radio; move to Lucerne; journey back via France and Belgium; question of treatment by German and Austrian civilians; failure to use note guaranteeing safe transport.