Object description
British NCO served with 2nd Bn Worcestershire Regt, 5th Bde, 2nd Div on Western Front, 8/1914-11/1914
Content description
REEL 1 Aspects of enlistment and service as private with Worcestershire Regt in GB, Ireland, Malta and Egypt, 1904-1907: background to enlistment; joining and service with 1st Bn Worcestershire Regt in Ireland; relations with Irish civilians; troopship voyage to Malta; service with 4th Bn Worcestershire Regt on Malta, 1906-1907; internal security role during detachment to Egypt, 1906; football injury and return to GB, 1907; leaving British Army, 1907. Aspects of period as civilian in Birmingham, GB, 1907-1914: declaration of First World War, 4/8/1914; reaction to call-up as reservist to join 2nd Bn Worcestershire Regt at Aldershot, 4/8/1914; pay. Recollections of operations as NCO with 2nd Bn Worcestershire Regt, 5th Bde, 2nd Div on Western Front, 8/1914-10/1914: situation on arrival; advance to Mons, Belgium; in positions near Framieres, Belgium, 23/8/1914; sight of attacking Imperial German Army troops, 24/8/1914; retreat, 24/8/1914; rearguard actions during retreat; role as lance corporal; listening posts and difficulty in retiring to join main body; difficulty in locating neighbouring unit under German artillery fire.
REEL 2 Continues: question of award of medals; question of keeping diary; fatigue; shortage of ammunition and effect of pattern of rifle fire; rations; question of souvenirs; story of French spy; relations with French civilians during retreat; relations with officers and periods as officers' servant; relations with other ranks and NCOs; attitude to retreat; nature of fighting and movements, 9/1914-10/1914. Account of wounding whilst serving as NCO with 2nd Bn Worcestershire Regt, 5th Bde, 2nd Div during attack on Gheluvelt Chateau, Belgium, 31/10/1914-1/11/1914: situation; charge; sighting Imperial German Army Uhlan cavalry; severe leg and back wounds.
REEL 3 Continues: first aid and assistance received from various soldiers; discovery by German officer; taking cover in ditch; sight of German attacks; discovery and rescue; medical treatment in convent dressing station, 2/11/1914. Recollections of evacuation and hospital treatment in France and GB, 1914-1915: hospital train; medical treatment and problem with gangrene; return to GB, 1/1915; movements; confused situation and discharge, 1915; attitude to return to active service; reports of having been missing presumed killed and subsequent recording as killed in action on war memorial; prior recollection of atmosphere during charge at Gheluvelt Chateau, Belgium, 31/10/1914.