Object description
British civilian served with Sudan Political Service in Sudan, 1935-1940; officer served with Sudan Defence Force in Sudan and Eritrea, 1940-1942; served with Publicity Section of British Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, 1942-1944
Content description
REEL 1 Aspects of period with Sudan Political Service in Sudan, 1935-1940: induction into Sudan Political Service; trek to provinces; previous military training; impact of Italian invasion of Ethiopia, 1935-1936; duties surveying routes from Eritrea into Sudan and observing Italian activities; different types of trek camels; conclusions of Italian intentions; digging of anti-tank ditch; Royal Air Force presence and plans for refuelling air strips; taking of Italian aircrew from forced landed bomber aircraft.
REEL 2 Continues: behaviour of Italian aircrew; similarity of administration in Eritrea and Sudan; Sudanese reaction to invasion of Ethiopia; relations between Sudanese and Ethiopians and Eritreans; unmarked frontier not patrolled in peacetime; personnel taken on his reconnaissance trek; nature of terrain on Eritrean frontier and coastal road; rate of movement on trek; attendinh tactical exercise without troops run by Commandant of Sudan Defence Force, General William Platt, summer 1938; request to raise an irregular company, 1938; roles of irregular troops; selection of key personnel; supply of portable wireless; arrangements for storage of clothing and weapons; selection of cadre of native police.
REEL 3 Continues: rapid return from leave on outbreak of Second World War, 9/1939; preparations prior to declaration of war by Italy, 6/1940. Recollections of operations as officer with Sudan Defence Force in Sudan and Eritrea, 1940-1941: financial arrangements and rations; formation of irregular company; use of brushwood beacons for early warning; recruitment of watchmen; Italian advance on frontier; withdrawal from frontier outposts to hill station; orders to confine activities to hills; patrolling in frontier area; method of recruiting and selecting hill tribesmen; training of recruits.
REEL 4 Continues: need for recruits to have haircuts; training; story of eccentric recruit; quality of recruits shooting; lack of firearms available to hill tribesmen; character of recruits; training in section teams; recreational activities; lack of discipline problems; accommodation for recruits; rations; recruits' drinks; state of recruits' health; water supply.
REEL 5 Continues: sources of water supply; uniforms worn; maps used; deployment of scouts; dust storms; patrol routine; camel management; lack of signs of Italian advance; patrol formation used; lack of reliable information from local tribesmen; clash with brigadier; advice he received on how to obey difficult orders; resumption of patrols, 10/1940; use of agents to obtain intelligence.
REEL 6 Continues: degree and accuracy of intelligence on Italian forces; occasion of skirmish between patrols; reports of Italian activity in hills; leading patrols into hills including patrol of 1st Bn Royal Sussex Regt; clearance of hills; arrival of European intelligence agent; plan for attack on Italian positions at Karora, Eritrea.
REEL 7 Continues: decision to withdraw; use of runner to send message to 1st Bn Royal Sussex Regt; disengagement and withdrawal; terrain; removal to Khartoum, Sudan for medical treatment for scurvy; servants; administrative work at Barentu, Eritrea; state of town after Italian retreated; clash with officer over blocked lavatory; attitude of locals to his presence; move to take charge of Keren, Eritrea; Italian community in Keren, Eritrea; assistance received from former Italian commissar.
REEL 8 Continues: character of native peoples in Keren, Eritrea; administrative arrangements. Aspects of period as officer with Publicity Section of British Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, 1942-1944: organisation of oral propaganda in Egypt; use of agents; effect of victory at Battle of El Alamein, 10/1942; misappropriation of funds by agents; use of acting troup for propaganda; means of monitoring public opinion; meeting his agent in Luxor; presence of Axis agents in Egypt; opinion of value of oral propaganda and attitude towards work. Attitude to service with Sudan Defence Force in Eritrea.