Object description
British officer served with 9th Bty, Royal Artillery and as Aide-de-Camp (ADC) to Resident in Aden Protectorate, 1930-1932
Content description
REEL 1 Aspects of enlistment and training with Royal Artillery in GB, 1924-1930: reasons for joining Royal Artillery; attending Royal Military Academy at Woolwich; preference for not serving in India. Recollections of period as officer with 9th Bty, Royal Artillery and Aide-de-Camp (ADC) to Resident in Aden Protectorate, 1930-1932: background to posting to Aden, 1930; character of voyage from GB to Aden; initial impressions of Aden; military command structure; organisation of battery; role of Royal Artillery in Aden; modernisation of guns to meet threat of cruisers.
REEL 2 Continues: role of Royal Navy 'Flower Class' sloops' efforts to stop slave trader dhows; contacts with Royal Navy; advantages of air control command system; use of small locally guarded airfields to open up Aden Protectorate's communications; role and uniform of Aden Protectorate Levies; degree of loyalty of Aden Protectorate Levies; appointment as Aide-de-Camp (ADC) to Resident; access to confidential information; background to dispute with neighbouring Yemen over ownership of Aden Protectorate; extradition difficulties; impressions of Mahatma Gandhi and Lord David Lloyd-George.
REEL 3 Continues: impressions of Lords Halifax, Willingdon and David Lloyd-George; duties as coastal defence artillery officer; practice artillery shoots; daily routine of battery; theoretical exercises on miniature range; annual field artillery exercise; problems with climate; hygienic precautions with food; use of servants; memories of bearer Ali; sources of advice for junior officers.
REEL 4 Continues: learning Arabic language; cultural interest in Aden Protectorate; visits to Marib, Yemen and British Somaliland; relations between Arabs and Somalis in colony; connections with Indians in Aden Protectorate; story of expedition to reach Arab tribe; gun drill; Arab ability to influence British officers; description of term 'hard lying allowance'; recreational activities including reading and polo.
REEL 5 Continues: golfing facilities in colony; drinking habits and nightly routine in mess; amusing story of two subalterns thwarted trip home on HMS Enterprise; story of Royal Air Force friend's visit to Socotra Island and problems arising from his lack of permission to land; method of air control used over dissident tribes in Aden Protectorate; opinion of air control; attitude to service in Aden Protectorate.