Object description
whole: the main image occupies the majority, with smaller images positioned in the upper right. The title is separate and
positioned along the top edge, in black set within a grey area. The text is partially integrated and occupies the majority, in black, with
some text set within a grey area. All held within a series of black borders and set against a white background.
image: the main image is a map of north-east France and Belgium, illustrating the German Army's railway through the region. The smaller
images depict the sites of various battles in this area, such as Armentières, Marne, Somme and Flanders.
text: Die Eisenbahn, der Lebensnerv des Heeres
Durch die deutsche Offensive 1918 für die Entente verlorene oder unbenutzbare Bahnlinien!
[map has various French and Belgian place names]
Unser Gëlandegewinn im Früh-jahr 1918: 6820 Km.
Schlacht bei Armentieres April 1918
Die grosse Schlacht in Frankreich Ende März 1918
Der Vorstoss zur Marne Ende Mai 1918
Gëlandegewinn der Feinde an der Somme u. in Flandern: 500 Km.
Schlacht in Flandern 1917
Somme - Schlacht 1916.
v. Sartor 1918
Die grosse Schlacht in Frankreich
März/April 1918.
Raumgewinn...3450 qkm
Gefangene...94400 Mann
(einschl. der Schlacht bei Armentières).
Die Schlacht bei Armentières
April 1918.
Raumgewinn...650 qkm
Gefangene...30575 Mann
Maschinengewehre.(siehe Bemerkung zu 1).
Der Vorstoss zur Marne und die Schlacht an der Oise
Mai/Juni 1918.
Raumgewinn...2720 qkm
Gefangene...85000 Mann
21. März bis 21. Juni 1918
Raumgewinn...6820 qkm
Gefangene...212000 Mann
Nach vorsichtiger Schätzung betragen die blutigen Verluste unserer Feinde 1 Million Mann! Die Reserve der Feinde ist vernichtet.
21. März - Drei Monate Offensive! - 21. Juni
Druckstock Bauer u. Gemberg Berlin N.54.
Hofbuchdruckerei Hermann Bergmann, Berlin SW 48
[The railway, the living nerve of the army. Railway lines lost or made unusable for the Entente through the German offensive of 1918! Our
terrain wins in spring 1918: 6820 km. Battle of Armentieres, April 1918. The great battle in France, late March 1918. The push to the
Marne, late May 1918. Enemy terrain wins at the Somme and in Flanders: 500 km. Battle of Flanders 1917. Somme – battle of 1916. The great
battle in France March/April 1918. Area won: 3450 sq. km. Prisoners: 94,400. Artillery pieces: 1300. Machine guns: 12,000 (incl. the battle
of Armentières). The battle of Armentières, April 1918. Area won: 650 sq. km. Prisoners: 30575. Artillery pieces: 300 Machine guns (see
comment to 1). The push to the Marne and the battle by the Oise May/June 1918. Area won: 2720 sq. km. Prisoners: 85,000. Artillery pieces:
1200. Machine guns: 3000. Total won, 21 March to 21 June 1918: Area won: 6820 sq. km. Prisoners: 21,2000. Artillery pieces: 2800. Machine
guns: 15,000. According to careful estimates, the bloody losses of our enemies total 1 million men! The enemies' reserves are destroyed. 21
March – three months' offensive! – 21 June. Plates: Bauer and Gemberg Berlin N.54. Court book printers Hermann Bergmann, Berlin SW
Y 139
German Offensive Map March 21st - 21 June