Object description
whole: the two main images occupy the majority, with a smaller image placed in the lower left, held within a blue circular
inset. The title and text are separate and positioned in the lower fifth, in black. All set against a white background and held within a
yellow border.
image: the left image is a depiction of a group of New Zealand infantrymen unloading an artillery gun from a landing craft. The right image
is a full-length depiction of a line of Australian infantrymen walking through palm trees in Papua New Guinea. The smaller image is a Union
text: Néo-Zélandais à entraînement. Exercise de débarquement.
Australiens avançant vers les positions japonaises de Sanananda, en Papouasie.
A travers les désert brûlants de l'Afrique du Nord, les chaînes de montagnes de l'Europe, les jungles et les marais de la Malaisie, de la
Nouvelle-Guinée et des îles du Pacifique, les soldats australiens et néo-zélandais se battent depuis plus de quatre ans contre les
Allemands et les Japonais. Même avant l'entrée en guerre du Japon, l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande avaient à elles deux un corps
expéditionnaire de plus de 250.000 hommes. Dès mars 1944, 21 'Victoria Cross' (une des décorations anglaises les plus élevées) avaient été
décernées à des soldats australiens et néo-zélandais. Le 26 juillet 1943, le Premier Ministre d'Australie annonça que les Australiens
formaient les cinq sixièmes des effectifs de l'armée opérant dans la zone sud-ouest du Pacifique.
O.P.D. 365/13/34
[New Zealanders in training. Dress rehearsal for Pacific landings. Australian troops moving up towards the Japanese positions at Sanananda,
Papua. British Empire and Commonwealth Warriors in the Far East. Australians and New Zealanders. Across the scorching desert of North
Africa, over mountain ranges in Europe, through the jungles and swamps of Malaya, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands, Australian and New
Zealand soldiers have been fighting Germans and Japanese for over four years. Even before Japan entered the war, Australia and New Zealand
between them had more than a quarter of a million men fighting overseas. By March 1944, the Victoria Cross had been awarded to 21 members
of the Australian and New Zealand Armed Forces. On July 26th, 1943, the Prime Minister of Australia was able to announce that five-sixths
of the land forces in the South-West Pacific area had been Australian. For freedom.]
Physical description
O.P.D. 365/13/34.
An English language version was also produced (see PST 16278).
Produced as part of a series of posters (see PST 16275, PST 16276, PST 16278, PST 16279, PST 16280, PST 16281 and PST