Object description
whole: the three main images are positioned in the upper four-fifths, with a smaller image placed in the lower left, held
within a blue circular inset. The title and text are separate and positioned in the upper left and lower fifth, in black. All set against a
white background and held within a yellow border.
image: the images depict various trams and trolleybuses driving through the streets of London. The smaller image is a Union
text: Passageiros junto ao passeio a subir para um auto-onibus electrico.
Carros electricos londrinos na Explanada da Rainha Victória, junto ao Tamisa.
Os carros electricos continuam a ter a seu cargo uma parte importante no transporte de passageiros em Londres, embora comecem a ceder o seu
lugar aos auto-onibus electricos. Uma vantagem de que compartilham tanto os carros como os auto-onibus electricos é que são alimentados por
corrente electrica produzida por combustão de carvão, produto de que a Grã-Bretanha tem grande quantidade em tempos normais. A vantagem que
os auto-onibus electricos teem sobre os carros electricos, provem do facto dos primeiros se poderem deslocar até junto dos passeios, para
entrada e saida de passageiros e terem maior velocidade e conforto. Além de não terem tubo de escape, cujo fumo envenena o ar, os auto-
onibus electricos possuem outra vantagem sobre os auto-onibus com motores de combustão: reduzem ao minimo a vibração e o barulho do motor.
A guerra meteu-se de permeio nos planos para converter 480 quilómetros de calhas para cabos electricos, mas o plano completar-se-á depois
de terminada a guerra. A fotografia superior é de um dos auto-onibus electricos de Londres.
G.P.D. 365/13/28
Serviços de Imprensa e Informaçao da Embaixada Britânica
[Passengers boarding a trolleybus at the kerb. London trams on the Victoria Embankment alongside the Thames. London's transport. No. 4.
Trams and trolleybuses. Trams still carry an important part of London's transport load, but they are being superseded by trolleybuses. The
advantage of trams and trolleybuses is that they run on electricity which is produced by burning coal, of which, in normal times, Britain
has plenty. The advantage of trolleybuses compared to trams is that the former can move over to the kerb to pick up and discharge
passengers, and are capable of greater speed with greater comfort. Apart from the fact that they leave behind no exhaust fumes to pollute
the air, trolleybuses have this advantage over ordinary buses: they reduce engine noise and vibration to a minimum. The war interrupted a
plan for converting 306 miles of tram routes to trolleybuses, but the plan will be completed when the war is over. The big picture above
shows a typical London trolleybus. For victory. The Press and Information Service of the British Embassy.]
Physical description
Os Transportes Públicos de Londres Número 4
GPD 365/13/28
An English language version was also produced (see PST 16249)
This poster was printed in Great Britain, presumably for distribution abroad
Produced as part of a series of posters (see PST 16243 to PST 16248)