Object description
whole: the three main images occupy the majority, with a smaller image placed in the lower left, held within a blue
circular inset. The title and text are separate and positioned in the upper right and lower fifth, in black. All set against a white
background and held within a yellow border.
image: the left image depicts a line of children standing with their nursery school teacher in a garden, holding pieces of rhubarb. The
right images depict two children laying a table, and a group of children shelling peas. The smaller image is of a Union
text: I più grandicelli aiutano ad apparecchiare.
Sbucciare i piselli è un giuoco che aiuta la cuoca.
Al giardino d'infanzia di Tarner Lands nell'Inghilterra meridionale, il lavoro diventa un giuoco; i bambini si divertono ad apparecchiare
la tavola per il pranzo, o a sbucciare i piselli, e spesso aiutano al lavoro più leggero della lavanderia. Nelle vignette qui sopra si
vedono dei bambini che lavorano - ma chi lo direbbe? La vignetta più grande mostra un gruppo di bambini che ritornano dall'orto; hanno
colto delle piante di rabarbaro e se ne servono da ombrello, tornando alla scuola. La direttrice di questa scuola, Miss Sutton, e le sue
aiutanti sono espertissime nell'interessare e divertire i fanciulli, tanto che a loro non sembra nemmeno di essere a scuola, e spesso le
mamme arrivano a riprenderli, proprio 'mentre si divertivano tanto'.
G.P.D. 365/13/31
[Older children help to lay the table. Shelling peas is a game which helps cook. A nursery school in Britain. Soon they'll be helping
mother. At the Tarner Lands Nursery School in Southern England work is turned into play for the children. They find it fun to shell peas or
to lay the table for dinner. Sometimes they even help with light laundry. The pictures above show the tiny tots hard at work, but no one
would dream that they were working. The big picture shows a group returning from the garden. They have been picking rhubarb, which they are
using as sunshades on the way back to school. The headmistress of this school, Miss Sutton, and her staff are adepts at keeping the
children interested and happy. It doesn't seem like school at all to the children, and often mothers arrive to take them home just as they
'were having such a good time.' For victory.]
Physical description
GPD 365/13/31
English language (PST 16238), Portuguese language (PST 16240) and Arabic language (PST 16239 and PST 16242) versions were also
Produced as part of a series of posters (see PST 16217 to PST 16237)