Object description
whole: the three main images occupy the majority, with a smaller image placed in the lower left, held within a blue
circular inset. The title and text are separate and positioned in the upper left and lower fifth, in black. All set against a white
background and held within a yellow border.
image: the images depict groups of children playing together, such as playing at keeping house, or taking part in basic carpentry. The
smaller image is of a Union Flag.
text: Si giuoca 'alla casa' - ed è già un tirocinio per l'avvenire.
Piccoli falegnami che hanno agio di dar forma al loro intuito creativo.
Molte importanti abitudini sociali si imparano nella prima infanzia, quando le impressioni sono più facili e più durevoli; ed in Gran
Bretagna i piccoli frequentatori dei giardini d'infanzia le ricevono giuocando. Passano i loro giorni a baloccarsi e divertirsi nel modo
più naturale, arrampicandosi sugli alberi, giuocando con l'acqua, nutrendosi, dormendo e distraendosi. Al tempo stesso imparano le buone
maniere, prendono abitudini di pulizia e di igiene, e si abituano ad andare d'accordo con gli altri bambini. E tutto questo non è effetto
del caso: ogni giardino d'infanzia ha sorveglianti esperti che capiscono la mente infantile, sanno dirigerla, e sanno fare in modo che i
bambini imparino mentre giuocano.
G.P.D. 365/13/31
[Playing at keeping house provides real training for the future. Carpentry is a good outlet for the creative instincts. A nursery school in
Britain. Good habits taught in happy surroundings. Most of the important social habits are learned in early childhood, when learning is
easiest and most permanent. In Great Britain's nursery schools children learn these habits as part of a game. They spend their days playing
and amusing themselves in the most natural way, climbing trees, playing with water, eating, sleeping and generally enjoying themselves. At
the same time they learn good table manners and clean habits and also how to get along with other children. This doesn't all happen by
chance. Each nursery school has a highly trained staff who get on well with children, know how to handle them, and know how to arrange
things so that the children learn while they play. For victory.]
Physical description
GPD 365/13/31
English language (PST 16233), Portuguese language (PST 16234) and Arabic language (PST 16235 and PST 16237) versions were also
Produced as part of a series of posters (see PST 16217 to PST 16232, and PST 16238 to PST 16242)