Object description
whole: the main image occupies the majority, with four smaller images positioned down the left edge. The title and text
are separate and positioned in the lower quarter and down the left quarter, in black. All set against a white background and held within a
brown border.
image: a photograph of crew members of the Australian cruiser HMAS Shropshire standing on deck beneath their ship's guns, being interviewed
by a man from the BBC. The first of the small images is a photograph of a group of New Zealand airmen standing in front of a De Havilland
Mosquito aircraft. The second small image is a photograph of a Canadian military choir standing around a piano. The third small image is a
photograph of a group of South African and Rhodesian soldiers and civilians gathered around a BBC microphone. The final small image is a
depiction of a Union Flag.
text: Des Néo-Zélandais parlant pat T.S.F. d'une célèbre base d'avions 'Mosquito', située en Angleterre.
Un chœur canadien répète avant l'émission du programme.
Rhodésiens et Sud-Africains prenant part à un programme sur l'Afrique du Sud.
LA B.B.C. No. 4
Le service d'outremer de la B.B.C. diffuse des programmes spéciaux à toutes les parties de la Communauté des Nations Britanniques.
Nouvelles, commentaires, causeries et programmes de variétés sont émis tous les jours aux Dominions, aux Indes et aux Colonies. Ils sont
diffusés dans un grand nombre de langues: en français pour le Canada français, en hindoustani, en birman, en begali, en malais, en langue
sud-africaine, en patois cypriote et en maltais. Tous ceux, hommes et femmes qui servent dans les forces armées et dans les services
auxiliaires et qui sont loin de chez eux, ont l'occasion de parler au microphone, ainsi que le fait ici l'équipage australien du croiseur
'Shropshire'. Ce célèbre bâtiment a été offert par la Grande-Bretagne à l'Australie pour remplacer le 'Canberra', coulé au large des îles
Salomon dans un combat naval contre les Japonais. Partout où ces émissions ont lieu, que ce soit sur un navire en mer, dans un aérodrome
isolé ou dans un studio de la B.B.C., elles sont, pour ceux qui y prennent part, le trait-d'union avec le pays.
G.P.D. 365/13/27
[New Zealanders broadcast from a famous 'Mosquito' aircraft station in Britain. A Canadian choir rehearses just before a B.B.C. broadcast.
South Africans and Rhodesians in a B.B.C. programme to South Africa. British Broadcasting Corporation: No. 4. A Link with home. The
Overseas Service of the B.B.C. broadcasts special programmes to every part of the Commonwealth. News bulletins, commentaries, talks and
features go out every day to the Dominions, India and the Colonies. They go out in many languages, in French for French Canada, in
Hindustani, Burmese, Begali, Malay, Afrikaans, Cypriot Greek, and Maltese. Men and women from the Dominions and Colonies serving away from
home often face the microphone, as the Australian crew of the cruiser 'Shropshire' are doing in this photograph. This famous ship was a
gift from Britain to Australia, to replace H.M.A.S. 'Canberra', which was lost in action against the Japanese in the Solomons. Wherever
these broadcasts take place, on a ship at sea, on a lonely airfield, or in a B.B.C. studio, they provide for the men and women who take
part a welcome link with home. For Victory.]
Physical description
GPD 365/13/27
British Broadcasting Corporation: No 4
An English language version was also produced (see PST 16211)
Produced as part of a series of posters (see PST 16207, PST 16208, PST 16210, PST 16214 and PST 16216)
This poster was printed in Great Britain presumably for distribution abroad