Object description
whole: the main image occupies the majority, with a smaller image positioned in the lower left, held within a blue
circular inset. The title and text are separate and located in the lower quarter, in black. All set against a white background and held
within a brown border.
image: a photograph of the western facade of Westminster Abbey in London. St. Margaret's Church and the Houses of Parliament can be seen in
the background left. Cars and pedestrians pass by. The small image is a depiction of a Union Flag.
L'Abbaye de Westminster est un des plus anciens monuments de Londres. Depuis la conquête normande, c'est là que les Rois d'Angleterre sont
couronnés. Plusieurs rois ont agrandi ou transformé l'Abbaye. Edouard le Confesseur rebâtit l'église, Henri III y ajouta plusieurs parties
qui sont parmi les plus importantes et les plus belles. Henri VII y ajouta une chapelle. Un grand nombre de personnages royaux y sont
enterrés, entre autres la Reine Élisabeth et Marie Stuart, ainsi que des savants et des hommes de lettres. Le Soldat Inconnu, dont on avait
ramené le corps de France après la Grande Guerre, a été enterré près du grand portail, au milieu de l'allée centrale.
G.P.D. 365/13/21
[London: Heart of the British Commonwealth. Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London. Ever since the
Norman Conquest, the Kings of England have been crowned in the Abbey. Several kings have altered or added to the building, Edward the
Confessor having rebuilt the church, Henry III adding some of the most beautiful and important portions, and Henry VII adding a Chapel.
Many Royal personages are buried in the Abbey, including Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots, and numerous famous men and women of
science and letters. Close to the West door, in the centre of the nave, is the grave of the Unknown Warrior, an unidentified British
soldier whose body was brought from France after the Great War. For victory.]
Physical description
GPD 365/13/21
Part of a series of posters entitled London: Heart of the British Commonwealth
An English language version (PST 16202), Persian language version (PST 16203) and Arabic language version (PST 16204) were also
Produced as part of a series of posters (see PST 16185, PST 16189, PST 16191, PST 16197 and PST 16201)
This poster was printed in Great Britain presumably for distribution abroad