Object description
whole: the main image occupies the majority, with a smaller image positioned in the lower left, held within a blue
circular inset. The title and text are separate and located in the lower quarter, in black. All set against a white background and held
within a brown border.
image: a photograph of the Royal Courts of Justice in London. The small image is a depiction of a Union Flag.
Le Palais de Justice se trouve à droite du Strand, en venant de la Cité. Il a été construit en 1874 pour la Haute Cour de Justice;
cinquante juges constituent le Banc du Roi qui se divise en Cour de Chancellerie, Cour chargée des testaments et successions, Cour chargée
des divorces et Cour chargée des affaires maritimes. Il est présidé par le Président du Tribunal du Banc du Roi. Tous les ans, le 9
novembre, le nouveau Maire de Londres se rend en grand pompe au Palais de Justice qui se trouve juste en dehors des limites de la Cité de
Londres, à Temple Bar. On le présente au Président du Tribunal du Banc du Roi, à qui il annonce qu'il a pris possession de son office. Le
Palais de Justice a été touché à sept reprises pendant les raids de 1940-1941.
G.P.D. 365/13/21
[London: Heart of the British Commonwealth. The Royal Courts of Justice. The Royal Courts of Justice stand on the north side of the Strand.
They were erected in 1874 for the Supreme Court of Judicature, and here sit fifty judges of the King's Bench - Chancery, Probate, Divorce
and Admiralty - presided over by the Lord Chief Justice of England. Every year, on November 9th, the newly elected Lord Mayor of London
makes a ceremonial journey to the Royal Courts of Justice, just beyond the boundary of the City of London, at Temple Bar, and is presented
to the Lord Chief Justice to make his final declaration of office. The Courts of Justice have been damaged on seven occasions during enemy
air raids in 1940 and 1941. For victory.]
Physical description
GPD 365/13/21
Part of a series of posters entitled London: Heart of the British Commonwealth
An English language version (PST 16186), a Persian language version (PST 16187) and an Arabic language version (PST 16188) were also
Produced as part of a series of posters (see PST 16185, PST 16193, PST 16197, PST 16201 and PST 16205)
This poster was printed in Great Britain presumably for distribution abroad