Object description
whole: the 12 images occupy the majority. The title is separate and positioned across the top edge, in white, held within
an orange inset. The text is separate and placed beneath each image as a caption, in white held within orange insets, in orange and in
black. All set against a white background.
image: 11 photographs of Indian soldiers in battle, at rest and on parade. The other image is a series of 16 photographs of the heads of
Indian soldiers.
text: War Spotlight Special
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The Nazis are beaten. India's famous divisions - the Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, Tenth - helped destroy Hitler's dreams of World conquest. They
punched back the enemy in Eritrea, Italian East Africa, Egypt, Cyrenaica, Tunisia, Sicily and Italy. The job is not finished. Indians from
the Western war theatre will fight in South East Asia until the last enemy is beaten.
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In May 1941, 18,000 Italians were defeated at Amba Alagi. Their commander, the Duke of Aosta, surrenders to General Mosley Mayne.
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Aosta's men were accorded full military honours as they marched down from Amba Alagi. Allied guard of honour stands at the 'Present.'
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Climax of bitter desert struggle was the El Alamein battle. Indian light armoured squadron of the 8th Army patrols in search of the beaten
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After El Alamein, we never looked back. Germans laid mines to delay the end. Sappers rush forward to clear them.
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Libya was freed. Soon after, Gurkhas march past during King's Birthday celebrations in liberated Tripoli.
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Enemy fronts rolled back still further. General Von Arnheim, C.-in-C., German forces in N. Africa, was captured by the 4th Indian Division.
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Rommel too was hammered. German rearguard mortars forward troops in attempt to prevent his defeat at Wadi Akarit.
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Out-manœuvred again, the enemy lost the Gabes Gap. Gurkhas link with Americans after the battle.
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Tunis and Sicily fell; the Italian mainland was invaded. Finding bridges blown, Indian assault troops cross a river by boat.
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There was heavy fighting for Italian hilltop villages. Indian troops prepare to launch an attack under smoke-cover.
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Communications: life lines of the battle. Madrassi signallers lay cables in a shell-shattered village.
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Printed by G. Claridge and Co., Ltd., Bombay.
Inter-Services Public Relations Directorate, G.H.Q., New Delhi.