Object description
whole: the four images are positioned in the lower three-quarters, each held within a narrow black border. The badge of
the Ugandan colonial flag is placed in the lower right, held within a black circular border. The title and text are separate and positioned
in the upper quarter and lower half, in black. All set against an orange background and held within a white and red border.
image: the first image is a depiction of an RAF fighter aircraft. The three other images depict several fighter planes involved in aerial
attacks on German aircraft, ports and shippping.
Subscriptions from Uganda have bought 'Hurricane' fighter aircraft for Britain. These planes protect British homes and industries from
aerial attack and harass enemy shipping and transport.
When enemy bombers approach Britain, the fighters go up to drive them away. Here is a Uganda fighter plane shooting down an enemy bomber
over one of Britain's industrial towns.
Uganda fighter planes also take part in offensive sweeps over enemy-occupied territory and cause much damage to shipping and transport and
communications with their machine-gun fire.
Uganda fighters protect Allied merchant ships from hostile aircraft. Many vital cargoes have reached port only because of the watchful
presence of fighter planes.
Thank you, Uganda!
Other war gifts from Uganda to Great Britain include canteens, a birthday gift of £10,000 to Mr. Churchill for the prosecution of the war,
recreation huts for anti-aircraft gun sites, and contributions to the British Red Cross, the Aid to Russia Fund, King George's Fund for
Sailors, and for Air Raid Relief.
Physical description
This poster was printed in Great Britain for distribution in Uganda.
Additional versions of the poster were produced for various other parts of the British Empire (see PST 15842, PST 15843, PST 15844, PST
15845, PST 15846, PST 15847, PST 15848, PST 15849, PST 15850, PST 15851, PST 15852, PST 15853, PST 15854, PST 15855, PST 15856, PST 15857,
PST 15858, PST 15859, PST 15860, PST 15861, PST 15862, PST 15863, PST 15865 and PST 15866).
Part of a series of similar posters distributed throughout the British Empire to thank the colonies for their contribution to the war
effort (see PST 8260, PST 8261, PST 15349, and PST 15803 to PST 15866).