Object description
whole: the 14 images occupy the majority. The title is separate and positioned across the top edge, in green. The text is
separate and placed in the upper centre, held within a narrow green border, and beneath each image as a caption, in green. All set against
a white background.
image: a series of photographs illustrating different aspects of the Allied war effort, including depictions of military vehicles, military
personnel and civilian war workers.
text: M.50059-H.3697-D.5770-775-23.1.41
Before the British offensive in the Western Desert, warships of the British Mediterranean Fleet successfully bombarded Fort Capuzzo and
Bardia in Libya. In this picture the great 15-inch guns of a British battleship are firing a broadside.
Crash-helmeted dispatch-riders, members of the British Royal Corps of Signals, lined up with their motor-cycles, awaiting their orders.
King George VI. spends much of his time visiting British troops and watching their training. During this visit to an anti-tank rifle range
there was an air raid warning, but His Majesty carried on without interruption.
At the order, 'Action Stations,' men of a 25-pounder battery of the British Royal Artillery race to their positions on the guns.
The King sees his soldiers at work. - Royal Navy shells Italians. - Tanks of the British Army. - German bomber meets its fate. - Useful
Army co-operation plane. - Large-scale Army exercises in Britain. - American ambulances for British civil population.
The mechanical vehicles used by Britain, with their caterpillar wheel, are an essential factor in modern warfare.
In close formation tanks breast a rise during the training of cadet officers in England.
Pupil pilots running to their planes during training at a Royal Air Force centre. The aircraft they are using are Harvard trainers from the
United States, similar to those used in Southern Rhodesia.
Multiple anti-aircraft guns on a British destroyer get ready to take action against enemy aircraft.
A German Messerschmitt intercepted by a British fighter and shot down while on its way to England to bomb and machine-gun civilians.
The Lysander monoplane of the Royal Air Force is a versatile aircraft. Specially designed for Army Co-operation work, it has stub wings on
the undercarriage that carry small bombs, food, water or ammunition. Its wide range of speeds makes it ideal for artillery spotting.
Soldiers of a British Indian division stationed in the Western Desert, ready to open fire on enemy aircraft with a Bren gun. Indian
soldiers played a big part in the offensive against the Italians at Sidi Barrani and are now driving them back in Eritrea.
One of the fast mobile units of the British Army, which are now daily engaged in large-scale exercises.
Another German airman, shot down over England, on his way to an internment camp.
Some of the 260 ambulances which were sent to Britain from America. They are fully equipped motor ambulances, and are for the use of the
civil authorities in Britain.
Picture Sheet No. 19.
Issued by Information Office, P.O. Box 384, Salisbury.
Physical description
Picture Sheet No. 19.
Part of a series of posters produced under the titles 'The War in Pictures' and 'The War Told For You in Pictures'.