Object description
whole: the image is positioned in the centre and upper centre, held within a narrow black area. The title is separate and
positioned along the top edge, in yellow, held within a black area. The text is separate and occupies the majority, in black, and in red
held within a black border. All set against a white background.
image: a depiction of the flags of the Allied Powers, flying from an ornate red and white striped flagstaff which is topped by a crown and
heraldic lion. From top to bottom the flags are those of Serbia, Russia, France, Belgium, Britain, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa, Japan, Montenegro, Italy, Portugal, Romania, the United States and Brazil.
text: 16.
Austria, without consulting her ally, Italy, presents an ultimatum to Serbia without parallel in modern times, and declares war on her.
Germany supports Austria in her warlike policy and presents an ultimatum to Russia.
Germany declares war on Russia, rejects French and British proposals for mediation and declares war on France.
Germany invades Luxembourg and demands passage for her army through Belgium.
Germany refuses all requests to respect Belgian neutrality.
Turkey joins the Central Powers, declares a Holy War and massacres Christians in Armenia.
Germany foments disorder in the United States.
The German army commits outrages in Belgium and France.
Germans bombard open towns from the sea, killing women and children.
Germany attempts to stir up sedition in South Africa.
Germany sinks the Lusitania, murdering 1,123 civlians.
Austrian army is guilty of great atrocities in Serbia.
Germany sinks hospital ships.
Bulgaria joins the Central Powers, September 15, 1915.
Germany revives slavery by deporting non-combatants of Belgium and France.
Germany breaks her promise to the United States, to respect the lives of neutrals at sea.
Serbia accepts nine-tenths of the Austrian ultimatum, and asks for arbitration on the remaining points.
Russia, after in vain proposing discussion and mediation, prepares to defend Serbia against the Austrian attack.
France stands by her ally, Russia, and informs England that she will respect Belgian neutrality.
Belgium resists the German army and appeals for help to Great Britain and France.
England, after appealing in vain to Germany to respect Belgian neutrality, declares war on August 4, 1914.
India, its princes and its peoples, takes up the cause and sends an army to Europe.
Canada sends an army to Europe.
Australia sends an army to Europe.
New Zealand sends an army to Europe.
General Botha crushes German intrigues and conquers German South West Africa.
Japan stands by her alliance with England and captures Kiao Chang.
Montenegro joins the Entente powers August 6, 1914.
Italy, convinced that Germany embarked in an aggressive war, joins the Entente on May 23, 1915.
Portugal takes a share in active operations against Germany, March 10, 1916.
Roumania joins the Entente Powers, August 28, 1916.
The United States of America declares that a state of war exists between herself and Germany, April 6, 1917.
Brazil declares war against Germany, October 26, 1917.
If the War had been forced upon Germany, would she have declined the invitation to a conference in July, 1914?
The invasion of Belgium and the sinking of the Lusitania are typical of Germany's War methods.
For the lasting peace of the world Germany's deeds must be remembered and redressed.
W. H. Smith and Son, 186, Strand, London, W.C.2.
Physical description
Different text versions were also produced (see PST 13560 and PST 13554).
Q. 71.314