Object description
whole: fourteen separate images occupy the majority, held within black borders. The title is separate and positioned
across the top, in black Gothic script, set against a white background, and held within a black border. The text is separate and positioned
in the lower centre, in black Gothic script, set against a white background, and held within a decorative black border. Further text is
integrated and positioned within the images, in black Gothic script.
image: fourteen images of the ships, weapons and equipment of the German navy and merchant fleet.
text: Deutscher Flotten-Verein
S.M. kleiner Kreuzer 'Breslau.'
Schulschiff des Deutschen Schulschiffvereins.
S.M. grosser kreuzer 'Gneisenau.'
Hapag-Dampfer am Rotesandleuchtturm.
S.M. Linienschiff 'Kaiserin.'
Nordd. Lloyd-Dampfer am Quai in Bremerhaven
Grosses Torpedoboot.
Das an Bord der Linienschiffe verwendete Geschütz.
Die Laufbahnen in der Kriegs- und Handelsmarine.
A. Kriegsmarine.
[details of the different jobs available in the navy follow]
B. Handelsmarine.
[details of the different jobs available in the merchant navy follow]
Ueber alle Laufbahnen, auch die Beamtenlaufbahnen, über die Bedingungen für die Zulassung, Art, Dauer und Kosten der Vor- und Ausbildung,
sowie über die Stellungen, Gehälter und Zulagen geben Auskunft die vom Deutschen Flotten-Verein herausgegebenen Bücher 'Wegweiser zu den
Laufbahnen in der Kaiserlichen Marine' (Preis 50 Pfg.) und 'Wegweiser zu den Laufbahnen, in der Handelsmarine' (Preis 30 Pfg.). Beide
Schriften sind in den Schülerbüchereien zu haben oder von der Präsidialgeschäftstelle des Deutschen Flotten-Vereins Berlin W. 35, Karlsbad
4 II, zu beziehen. - Ausserdem enthält der alljährlich erscheinende Kalender des Deutschen Flotten-Vereins einen abgekürzten Wegweiser für
die Laufbahnen in Kriegs- und Handelsmarine; er ist gegen Einsendung von 50 Pfg. zu beziehen von der Präsidialgeschäftstelle des Deutschen
Flotten-Vereins, Berlin W. 35, Karlsbad 4.
Meisenbach Riffarth und Co. Berlin-Schöneberg.
[an unreadable artist's signature appears in most of the images]
[German Naval Association. H.M. light cruiser 'Breslau.' Steam trawler. Training ship of the German Training Ship Association. Trawler.
H.M. heavy cruiser 'Gneisenau.' 'Hapag' steamship at the Rotesand lighthouse. Compass. Full-rigged sailing ship. Barque. Anchor. H.M. ship
of the line 'Kaiserin.' Ship's propeller. Brig. Schooner. Buoy. North German Lloyd's steamship at the quay in Bremerhaven. Large torpedo
boat. Torpedo. Torpedo tube. Submarine. The gun used aboard ships of the line. Careers in the Navy and Merchant Navy. A. Navy [details of
the different jobs available in the navy follow]. B. Merchant Navy [details of the different jobs available in the merchant navy follow].
Information about all careers including desk careers, the conditions of admission, the nature, duration and cost of preliminary training
and training, and about the posts, pay and allowances is given in the books 'Guide to Careers in the Imperial Navy' (price 50 pfennigs) and
'Guide to Careers in the Merchant Navy' (price 30 pfennigs), published by the German Naval Association. Both publications can be found in
school libraries, or can be obtained from the office of the President of the German Naval Association [address]. In addition the annually
published calendar of the German Naval Association contains a shortened guide to careers in the Navy and Merchant Navy; it can be obtained
from the office of the President of the German Naval Association [address] in return for sending in 50 pfennigs.]