Object description
whole: the main image occupies the majority, with six smaller images positioned across the bottom edge, each held within a
narrow black border. The title is integrated and positioned across the top edge, in red. The text is integrated and positioned lower centre
and as labels for the small images, in black and in red. All set against a white background.
image: a caricature of a German officer using a crowbar in an attempt to lever up the edge of a wall labelled 'Front Occidental' (Western
Front). He looks back towards a shadow of an American soldier which looms over him threateningly. The six smaller images illustrate
increases in the American contribution to the Allied war effort: in men, military expenditure, war work in factories and mines, financial
aid to France, and shipping tonnage.
L'ALLEMAGNE aurait voulu rompre le front occidental et imposer aux Alliés des conditions de paix aussi honteuses que celles imposées à la
L'effort américain dépasse toutes les prévisions.
[the text of the first small image] EFFORT MILITAIRE
Par recrutements successifs, avec l'approbation du Congrès, le Président Wilson peut porter l'Armée américaine de 200,000 hommes, effectif
à la déclaration de guerre, à 2,500,000 hommes.
AU DÉBUT DE LA GUERRE: 200,000 hommes
500,000 hommes
2 millions d'hommes
2 millions 500,000 hommes
[the text of the second small image] DÉPENSES MILITAIRES
Les dépenses militaires aux États-Unis représentent
10 FOIS les DÉPENSES TOTALES du gouvernement en temps de paix
50 FOIS les crédits votés annuellement pour l'armée en temps normal.
L'EFFORT FINANCIER pour l'Armée est donc passé en 6 mois de 1 à 50.
[the text of the third small image] Aux Étas-Unis 27000 USINES OU MINES travaillent pour la Guerre.
[the text of the fourth small image] AIDE FINANCIÈRE A LA FRANCE
En 6 mois, l'aide financière des Etas-Unis[sic] est double de celle votée dans les 30 premiers mois de guerre.
[the text of the fifth small image] Le Congrès a voté 110 MILLIARDS de francs
6 mois
c'est-à-dire un peu plus que ce que la France a dépensé en 3 ans 1/2.
[the text of the sixth small image] TONNAGE DISPONIBLE
A la déclaration de guerre 1,800,000 tonnes
Fin 1918: 6 millions de tonnes
A la fin du programme: 11 millions de tonnes
[The Americans are here! Western Front Germany would like to have broken the Western Front and imposed on the Allies peace conditions as
shameful as those it imposed on Russia. It's too late! The American effort is exceeding all expectations. What America is bringing us.
Saunier[?] [the text of the first small image] Military effort. By successive recruiting campaigns, with the approval of congress,
President Wilson can increase the American army from 200,000 men, its strength on the declaration of war, to 2,500,000 men. At the start of
the war: 200,000 men 500,000 men 2 million men 2,500,000 men [the text of the second small image] Military expenditure. Military
expenditure in the United States represents 10 times the government's total expenditure in times of peace 50 times the credits voted
annually for the army in normal times. The financial effort for the army has thus increased in 6 months by a factor of 50. [the text of the
third small image] In the United States 27,000 factories or mines are working for the war. [the text of the fourth small image] Financial
aid to France. In 6 months, financial aid from the United States is double that voted in the first 30 months of war. 6 billion francs [the
text of the fifth small image] Congress has voted 110 billion francs [in] 6 months, i.e. a little more than France has spent in 3½ years.
[the text of the sixth small image] Tonnage available. On the declaration of war, 1,800,000 tonnes. By the end of 1918: 6 million tonnes.
By the end of the programme: 11 million tonnes. Berger-Levrault, Nancy-Paris.]