Object description
whole: the two images are positioned down the left and right sides, either side of a table. The title is separate and
positioned upper centre, in black outlined red. The text is separate and positioned within the table, in black. Further text is separate
and positioned across the bottom edge, in black.
image: the left-hand image is of a German infantryman standing behind a large rock representing the land occupied by the Central Powers.
The right-hand image is of a British infantryman standing on a much smaller rock representing the land occupied by the Entente
text: Wer ist im Vorteil?
der Mittelmächte
der Entente
Bei der Kriegserklärung Italiens an Österreich (23. Mai 1915)
in Belgien 29 000 qkm
Frankr 22 600 qkm
Russl. 64 000 qkm
zus. 116 000 qkm
in Deutschl. 900 qkm
Österr. 48 900 qkm
zus. 49 800 qkm
Vor Beginn der Offensive in Serbien, Montenegro, u. Albanien (6. Okt 1915)
in Belgien 29 000 qkm
Frankr 22 600 qkm
Russl. 290 800 qkm
zus. 342 400 qkm
in Deutschl. 900 qkm
Österr. 36 000 qkm
zus. 36 900 qkm
Bei der Kriegserklärung Rumäniens (28. Aug 1916)
in Belgien 29 000 qkm
Frankr 22 500 qkm
Russl. 280 500 qkm
Serbien 86 600 qkm
Montenegro 14 200 qkm
Albanien 20 000 qkm
zus. 452 800 qkm
in Deutschl. 900 qkm
Österr. 28 200 qkm
zus. 29 100 qkm
Am Tage unseres Friedens angebotes (12. Dez. 1916)
in Belgien 29 000 qkm
Frankr 22 300 qkm
Russl. 280 500 qkm
Rumänien 73 700 qkm
Serbien 85 800 qkm
Montenegro 14 200 qkm
Albanien 20 000 qkm
zus. 525 500 qkm
in Deutschl. 900 qkm
Österr. 28 200 qkm
zus. 29 100 qkm
Bei Beginn des 4. Kriegs-jahres (nach dem Stande vom 27. Juli 1917 bis zum 1.12.17)
in Belgien 28 550 qkm
Italien 12 300 qkm
Frankr 18 200 qkm
Russl. 283 490 qkm
Rumänien 100 520 qkm
Serbien 85 950 qkm
Griechenland 7 980 qkm
Montenegro 14 180 qkm
Albanien 19 070 qkm
zus. 570 240 qkm
in Deutschl. 960 qkm
Österr. 4 450 qkm
zus. 5 410 qkm
Stand am 1. Dez. 1917:
570 240 qkm
Entente 5410 qkm
von Deutschland u. seinen Verbündeten erobertes Gebiet
von Frankreich erobertes deutsches Gebiet
von Russland erobertes österr. Gebiet
Klischees und Druck: Dr. Selle und Co., Berlin SW 29.
[Who has the advantage? Territory gained by the Central Powers; by the Entente. On Italy's declaration of war on Austria (23 May 1915): in
Belgium 29,000 sq. km, France 22,600 sq. km, Russia 64,000 sq. km. Total 116,000 sq. km. In Germany 900 sq. km, Austria 48,900 sq. km.
Total 49,800 sq. km. Before the beginning of the offensive in Serbia, Montenegro and Albania (6 October 1915): in Belgium 29,000 sq. km,
France 22,600 sq. km, Russia 290,800 sq. km. Total 342,000 sq. km. In Germany 900 sq. km, Austria 36,000 sq. km. Total 36,900 sq. km. On
the declaration of war by Rumania (28 August 1916): in Belgium 29,000 sq. km, France 22,500 sq. km, Russia 280,500 sq. km, Serbia 86,600
sq. km, Montenegro 14,200 sq. km, Albania 20,000 sq. km. Total 452,800 sq. km. In Germany 900 sq. km, Austria 28,200 sq. km. Total 29,100
sq. km. On the day of our offer of peace (12 December 1916): in Belgium 29,000 sq. km, France 22,300 sq. km, Russia 280,500 sq. km, Rumania
73,700 sq. km, Serbia 85,800 sq. km, Montenegro 14,200 sq. km, Albania 20,000 sq. km. Total 525,500 sq. km. In Germany 900 sq. km, Austria
28,200 sq. km. Total 29,100 sq. km. At the beginning of the 4th year of War (based on the position on 27 July 1917 up to 1.12.17): in
Belgium 28,550 sq. km, Italy 12,300 sq. km, France 18,200 sq. km, Russia 283,490 sq. km, Rumania 100,520 sq. km, Serbia 85,950 sq. km,
Greece 7980 sq. km, Montenegro 14,180 sq. km, Albania 19,070 sq. km. Total 570,240 sq. km. In Germany 960 sq. km, Austria 4450 sq. km.
Total 5410 sq. km. Position on 1 December 1917: Central Powers: 570,240 sq. km. Entente 5410 sq. km. Territory conquered by Germany and its
Allies. German territory conquered by France. Austrian territory conquered by Russia. Plates and printing: Dr. Selle and Co.
Physical description
An earlier version of this poster was produced (see PST 6615).