Object description
Rushes, overs and live sound of the NATO Summit in Brussels at the level of Heads of State.
Content description
Reel 1: General views. Skyscrapers of Brussels (possibly Tour du Midi), Gallerie de la Reine, Rue des Bouchers and Triumphal Arch from road.
Reel 2: Place Royale Square and St Jacques Church at The Coudenberg in Brussels.
Reel 3: NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörner's speech to the Council (Cam 1).
Reel 4: NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörner's speech to the Council (Cam 2).
Reel 5: Activity in the Press room.
Reel 6: US President George Bush's Press Conference.
Reel 7: NATO Secretary General Final Press Conference. ("Alliance is vigorous, strong and cohesive...Politically active...Setting the agenda in East-West relations, end the division of Europe...Declaration contains offers and challenges...We are reaching out Soviet Union...East-West not only about arms control...Providing security will remain the main objective of the Alliance").
Reel 9: (sound) Live sound of Room 16 (3 rolls).
Reel 11: Arrivals of official cars to NATO headquarters shot from roof. Cuts and overs. Rushes.
Reel 12: Cuts and overs. Anti-NATO demonstration (group of Buddhists chanting and drumming).
Reel 13: NATO headquarters main entrance. Arrivals of NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörner and the following Prime Ministers: Margaret Thatcher (UK), Brian Mulroney (Canada), Halil Turgut Özal (Turkey), Helmut Kohl (Germany), Ciriaco De Mita (Italy), Wilfried Martens (Belgium), Ruud Lubbers (Netherlands), Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway), George Bush (US), George Papandreu (Greece), Cavaco Silva (Portugal), Jacques Santer (Luxembourg), Felipe Gonzalez (Spain). More arrivals from the hall.
Reel 14: Room 16, Int. Table. End of meeting. Arrivals, Room 16. Beginning of meeting.
Reel 15: Local produce (cheese, fish etc), as displayed in a supermarket.
Reel 16: Arrivals at the Royal Palace and "family portrait" pose for group photograph.
Film originally shot on video. Montage of the arrivals of Prime Ministers and scenes inside the Council Chamber with NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörner's speech as soundtrack/voice over. "Summit Sommet", 29-30 May 1989, directed by Yavuz Karaözbek, produced by Georges De Brouwer for the NATO Information Service, 1989.
Arrival of national delegations by car to NATO headquarters. Inaugural speech by NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörner to the members of the Council. Mute.
Physical description