Object description
Edition of US-produced wartime newsreel, featuring the commissioning of the United States Navy battleship USS Iowa; an exhibition of art by American servicemen; American schoolboys receive a lesson in 'home-making'; the 169th anniversary of the United States Marine Corps; the liberation of Antwerp in Belgium and capture of German city of Aachen.
Content description
Part 1: United News main titles. 'USS Iowa joins the Navy'; exterior wide shot of a large Navy Day parade in Washington, D.C. with the Capitol building in the background. Men marching past. Men on the saluting base remove their hats. Women in the march past. US Coast Guard march past. Sailors marching. Female naval officers march past. USS Iowa at sea. View forward from her superstructure. Captain John L McCrea on the bridge. Firepower demonstration by her main, secondary and anti-aircraft guns.
Content description
Part 2: 'Army paintings on exhibition'; scenes in an art gallery in New York City with Eleanor Roosevelt being shown arond and close-ups of various examples of the work.
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Part 3: 'Schoolboys learn home-making skills'; Maryland, USA; interior school room with boys learning to sew. A boy uses a Singer sewing machine. A cookery class; boys cook pasta, fry eggs and bake.
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Part 4: '169th anniversary of the United States Marines'; Marine band marches past. Montage of amphibious landings and Marines in action. Artillery, tanks and aircraft are shown. US flag hoisted. Further shots Marine infantry in action with wipe transitions. Showing off a large Japanese flag. Receiving mail. Marines at the salute. Wounded and a cemetery with US flag at half-mast are seen. Saluting the flag.
Content description
Part 5: 'Antwerp Freed; Aachen captured'; in Antwerp arriving Allied tanks are greeted. A Sherman passes, it is covered in chalk grafitti. Captured Germans are paraded through the streets. Bombing of Aachen by American P-38 fighters. Artillery bombardment. Smoke drifting. M10 (Wolverine) tank destroyer firing. American infantry cautiously past a sign reading 'Aachen - Stadtkreis Aachen'. Burning and shell-damaged buildings. A white flag over a doorway. American soldier uses a walkie-talkie. M10 passes camera. M10 with infantry cautiously following. A gunner fires a .50-calibre machine gun against the windows of a building; masonry disintegrates. M10 firing at short range. Street with drifting smoke. American 0.30-cal heavy machine gun team in action. High shot looking down a city street with tracer fire from an Allied tank; some of the tracers ricochet. Burning buildings and demolished buildings. End title.
Physical description