Object description
Edition of US-produced wartime newsreel featuring the packing of Christmas Red Cross parcels for Allied prisoners of war; General Marshall's address to the American Legion; Independence Day celebrations in Uruguay; United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) B-29 heavy bomber operations in China; a meeting of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in Montreal, Canada.
Content description
Part 1: United News main titles. 'Xmas packages for war prisoners'; interior tracking shot along a long table where members of the Canadian Women's Army Corps and men of the Ottawa Ordnance Depot pack cardboard boxes with various items for Canadian prisoners of war overseas. Packing a box. Stencilling a Red Cross crate; it is marked 'Christmas gifts for Canadian prisoners of war - Intercroix Rouge - Geneva Switzerland - For British camp leader - Stalag 2D'.
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Part 2: 'Generals address American Legion'; in Chicago General George Marshall addresses the 26th Convention of the American Legion. Wide shot of the hall. General Arnold, United States Army Air Forces, is decorated with the Legion's Distinguished Service Medal by a member of Legion (his cap is marked 'National Commander 10'. Arnold addresses the Legion; he speaks of the American air forces being poised to drop their millionth ton of bombs 'on the Japs and Germans'.
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Part 3: 'Uruguay celebrates Independence Day'; the President of Uruguay, Dr Juan José de Amézaga
is greeted. A city street decorated with Allied flags. American officers meet Uruguayan officers. Politicians in top hats, including American Ambassador Dawson. Close-up Dr Alberto Guani, Uruguyuan Vice-President. Brazilian General Góes Monteiro. A block of flats (?) with flags hanging from balconies. A Uruguayan soldier. Cavalry pass. Field guns pass. High shot of the field guns parading through the streets; a hoarding advertises Cinzano vermouth. Street-level view of jeeps passing towing light anti-tank guns. Lorry passes carrying sailors and towing a 40mm Bofors gun. Sailors march past. Troops march past; they wear American helmets.
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Part 4: 'The B-29'; shots of B-29s under construction. Aerial view of B-29 in flight over clouds. China; a crowd of civilian labourers and soldiers watch as a B-29 passes. General Claire Chennault (commander, 14th Air Force) meets aircrew standing by their aircraft. Chinese labourers working on an airstrip. Line of B-29s, with 26347 'A' nearest camera, and tail letters 'E' and 'C' visible. A jeep drives under a B-29's wing. A dump of aviation fuel with B-29 26291 behind. Two American officers in conversation with close-up. The officer speaks with a crew. Close-up aircraft name 'Ding How!' (possibly 676th Bombardment Squadron, 444th Bombardment Group). View of the rear turret with a crewman working on it. Ventral and dorsal turrets. 26291 takes off. Officers watch a take off from a control tower. 26263 takes off with labourers in the foreground. View from tower. B-29 passing overhead.
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Part 5: 'UNRRA meets in Montreal'; interior ball room with delegates entering; there are small individual tables marked with placards bearing names of countries. The delegates rise and applaud. Canadian Prime Minister MacKenzie King speaks of the determination shown by the Allies at the Quebec conference, and that this meeting demonstrates the resolve of free nations to relieve 'warstricken' nations. Applause. Close-up; Herbert Lehman, Director-General of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) speaking of the United Nations' belief in 'common effort for common need'. End title.
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