Object description
British infantry of 36th Division capture Hill 60, west of Mogaung in Northern Burma, with the help of American aircraft and Chinese troops.
Full description
Series of shots showing attacks by United States Army Air Forces Mustang fighter-bombers and Mitchell medium bombers on Japanese positions half a mile or less from the cameramans position; sticks of bombs can be seen falling from the Mitchells. Good shots of dust and smoke from bombs. In one shot a Mitchell passes overhead, dropping bombs, quite close to the cameraman's position. More aircraft attacks on the same area and thick palls of smoke. A file of infantry pass through thinly vegetated terrain. More British infantry (possibly 9th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment, 72 Brigade) passing; low camera angle partially silhouettes them against the sky. More infantry, including a signaller with wireless set, pass over open ground that looks quite bare. A man searching a corpse. An officer (?) sitting in a shell hole (?) using a wireless set. Another file of troops moving up the bare slope of the hill. Two officers (?) conferring and pointing out features of the terrain; one of the officers is shirtless, bearded, has a dressing on his right shoulder and appears emaciated (probably Brigadier Ricketts). A soldier standing next to them appears to be West African (3rd West African Brigade). Closer shot of the two officers. Group of officers, included the officer previously described, with maps; they all have slung M1 Carbines. More troops moving uphill in full kit; one carries a large drum of (signal?) wire. A wounded lance-corporal, still in his webbing, is helped back down. A Chinese soldier, holding the stock of his Thompson submachine gun left handed, fires several rounds into a straw-covered dugout. A dead Japanese soldier is dragged out. Men peering at the body. Four men carry a stretcher case through muddy ground with tall grass; another man follows carrying two rifles. British infantry file past camera; some are obviously in good spirits. Men filing through marshy, swampy ground. Slightly off-focus footage; panning from two American soldiers (one on a telephone) to a smokescreen spreading a few hundred yards away across an open field. More smoke spreading with British soldier (foreground , back to camera) watching. Britons and Americans watching. Mules and men walk through very marshy ground between large pools of water. A mule , stuck in mud up to its thighs, is dragged out by half a dozen men.
Physical description