Object description
General Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army, visits Bhopal in central India, where he sees British troops training in jungle warfare, visits Italian prisoners of war at Bairagarh, presents colours to the Gohar-i-Taj Own Infantry, and Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Peirse presents a Royal Warrant to the Nawab of Bhopal, Hamidullah Khan.
Full description
General Auchinleck, visiting troops training at Bhopal, is shown a booby trap disguised as a ration tin. Shots of British troops running through woodland. A soldier climbs down from the top of a tree. Auchinleck looks at a British soldier dressed a tad unconvincingly in Japanese uniform (he has a Lee Enfield rifle slung on his back). Auchinleck addresses British troops with blackened faces. Pan of British troops with a number dressed as Japanese. Close-ups of British soldiers. 'Japanese' soldiers. Auchinleck departs; his driver wears 'S Lan R' (South Lancashire Regiment, probably 2nd Battalion) epaulette. At an open air theatre Auchinleck addresses a large audience. Auchinleck watches troops at physical training. Four British soldiers hold a log; two hold it up as the other two push down on it, then they change positions. Two British soldiers with fixed bayonets stand at the door to an open-sided bamboo 'house'; which a soldier with Thompson submachine gun charges into. Two British soldiers, presumably playing the enemy, fall as if shot as soldiers climb stairs to the first floor of the 'house'. Auchinleck watching training in a wood. A British soldier lying prone behind a tree. Auchinleck inspecting troops of the Sherwood Foresters on parade. Auchinleck, departing, salutes the bandmaster of a band apparently formed from Italian prisoners of war. The band playing. Auchinleck walks swiftly along a line of Italian prisoners of war. Auchinleck speaking with a British brigadier; behind him an Italian officer, possibly of the Bersaglieri. At a prisoner of war camp (probably at Bairagarh, near Bhopal) with Italian prisoners on parade. At an airfield Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Peirse, Allied Air Commander-in-Chief South East Asia, meets other officers. Peirse shaking hands with an Indian woman. An Indian man in uniform with Islamic moon and star on his epaulette; pan to parked RAF Lockheed Hudson (serial FK590). A royal car (marked with a crown and 'Bhopal') on a parade ground; three women step out (the Begum, Lady Auchinleck and Princess Abida). The women, with senior officers, on a saluting base as a man yanks a line from a flagpole. Spectators; officers and three men (religious figures?). Auchinleck presents colours. Auchinleck speaking to a microphone. RAF airmen on parade. Honorary Air Commodore the Nawab of Bhopal inspects the airmen with Peirse. Peirse addressing the parade with Auchinleck in the background. Peirse presents the warrant to the Nawab. The Nawab speaking. RAF Regiment buglers playing (the flag, earlier seen snagged, is now flying properly). RAF march past with the Nawab taking the salute. The standard bearers with colours. Standard bearers slow marching. Auchinleck at salute as the infantry march past. The Raja of Jaipur speaking with pan to Auchinleck. Spectators, including some young children lounging. Brief shot flag (or royal standard?) flying.
Physical description