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II. Reminders (including some film repeated from GEN NO 6) of the making at Pinewood of RAF 'production 26' (JOURNEY TOGETHER). Now JOURNEY TOGETHER is premiered at the Odeon Leicester Square, the audience including Air Marshal Sir Philip Babington; Lord Cunningham; Sir Arthur Tedder; Viscount Trenchard; Air Commodore Lord Willoughby de Broke; Reginald Fletcher (Lord Winster), Minister of Civil Aviation; Viscount Stansgate, and (from the film world) Michael Powell and his wife actress Frankie Reidy; Kim Hunter; Roger Livesey and his wife actress Ursula Jeans; Stewart Granger with actress Sandra Storme; racing driver and theatrical impresario Jack Dunfee; film producer Gabriel Pascal; Captain Roy Boulting; Trevor Howard; Richard Attenborough and his wife, actress Sheila Sim, and Jack Watling.
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I. Fancy-dress football match at RAF Uxbridge, for National Savings Thanksgiving Week.
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III. "Gen Special - The Story of Winnie the WAAF." Film of WAAFs in action (extracted from earlier GENs) introduces item about a fashion show at John Lewis, Oxford Street, arranged "exclusively for forces girls" to show how far the demobilisation grant can go.
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IV. The GEN's tribute (for this final war edition) to the RAF's 'finest hour.' A Battle of Britain Day display at an RAF base introduces the story of the "greatest battle." In an Ops Room, the progress of enemy forces is plotted; AA guns and Spitfires are prepared; cliff-top observers wait. Scramble! Formation of 9 Spitfires, engages He 111s; Heinkels and Me 109s crash, but the Luftwaffe breaks through to London. Air raid siren - civilians enter shelters, workers don steel helmets. Germans drop bombs "at random," Spitfires and Hurricanes continue the attack, and bring down planes over the sea. Over film of wrecked enemy aircraft, commentary tells of subsequent victories made possible by this first success. VE Day celebrations, Roll of Honour, Spitfire landing, to strains of "O God our help in ages past."
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I. Fancy-dress football match at RAF Uxbridge, for National Savings Thanksgiving Week.
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II. Reminders (including some film repeated from GEN NO 6) of the making at Pinewood of RAF 'production 26' (JOURNEY TOGETHER). Now JOURNEY TOGETHER is premiered at the Odeon Leicester Square, the audience including Air Marshal Sir Philip Babington; Lord Cunningham; Sir Arthur Tedder; Viscount Trenchard; Air Commodore Lord Willoughby de Broke; Reginald Fletcher (Lord Winster), Minister of Civil Aviation; Viscount Stansgate, and (from the film world) Michael Powell and his wife actress Frankie Reidy; Kim Hunter; Roger Livesey and his wife actress Ursula Jeans; Stewart Granger with actress Sandra Storme; racing driver and theatrical impresario Jack Dunfee; film producer Gabriel Pascal; Captain Roy Boulting; Trevor Howard; Richard Attenborough and his wife, actress Sheila Sim, and Jack Watling.
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III. "Gen Special - The Story of Winnie the WAAF." Film of WAAFs in action (extracted from earlier GENs) introduces item about a fashion show at John Lewis, Oxford Street, arranged "exclusively for forces girls" to show how far the demobilisation grant can go.
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IV. The GEN's tribute (for this final war edition) to the RAF's 'finest hour.' A Battle of Britain Day display at an RAF base introduces the story of the "greatest battle." In an Ops Room, the progress of enemy forces is plotted; AA guns and Spitfires are prepared; cliff-top observers wait. Scramble! Formation of 9 Spitfires, engages He 111s; Heinkels and Me 109s crash, but the Luftwaffe breaks through to London. Air raid siren - civilians enter shelters, workers don steel helmets. Germans drop bombs "at random," Spitfires and Hurricanes continue the attack, and bring down planes over the sea. Over film of wrecked enemy aircraft, commentary tells of subsequent victories made possible by this first success. VE Day celebrations, Roll of Honour, Spitfire landing, to strains of "O God our help in ages past."
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