Object description
Technical instructional film for bomb aimers, focusing on caring for and maintaining bomb aiming equipment.
Content description
Reel 1: The chief weapon of the RAF and the principle means by which it will achieve its aim is the bomb. Practice Bombing : Care and maintenance of bomb aiming equipment by the bomb aimer (Mk IXa Barr & Stroud Ltd). Checking bomb sight for alignment etc. Check compass. Checking settings for accuracy. Installing bomb sight into aircraft. Various cards for settings, checking EMS (electromagnetic switches) are in correct position. (Blenheim L1283?) Checking bomb carrier – spring loaded steadies placed in highest position and clamped and checking release mechanism and adjusted with dummy bomb. Bomb aimer tests release mechanism from bomb aimers position. Explanation of EMS settings relating to bomb release. Form 3073 "Bomb Aimers Form" - Bomb aimer completes 3073 with info (Pilot name, Bomb Aimer name, target etc) prior to practice bombing. Service watch and stop watch required.
Content description
Reel 2: Bomb aimer reports to pilot that intercom is working and all switches are in the 'off' position. Safety pins removed from the bombs and are retained in the bomb aimers position. Settings entered onto Form 3073 using computed data (height, speed, temperature etc). Approaching bomb range and on receiving 'all clear to bomb' signal pilot should select master bomb switches on instruction from the bomb aimer. Using bomb sight, bomb aimer guides pilot to target using "left", "right", "steady" commands. Bomb strikes plotted to assess pattern of fall. Bomb aimer under instruction should leave bomb aiming settings intact for checking purposes. On completion all switches should be placed in the "off" position. On landing bomb aimer should make safe any unreleased bombs and await arrival of Armourers. Scene of Wellington bombers ready to taxi (LG-K code). Standard bombing procedure ensures that the fullest understanding will exist between any bomb aimer and any pilot from the first moment of their cooperative effort. Such an understanding between bomb aimer and pilot is absolutely vital for success.
Physical description