Object description
RAF Transport Command maintains a series of Staging Posts around the world varying in size from small airfields to major RAF stations. Their principle task is the transport of passengers and freight together with the associated fuelling, repair and maintenance for the aircraft and the provision of meals and accommodation for passengers and aircrew. The film illustrates the various stages of a typical flight from the United Kingdom to the Middle East.
Content description
Reel one: Opens with Avro York OYZB landing at RAF Luqa, Malta en route from UK to the Middle East. Passengers disembark for refreshments while the airfield crew refuel the aircraft and attend to some maintenance requests made by the incoming crew. Upon the aircrafts departure from the UK, the UK operations room advises by radio to the first Staging Post operations room the estimated time of arrival (E.T.A) of the aircraft and any specific requirements it may require.
This information is relayed by all the Staging Posts along the flight path.
Two hours before arrival at Luqa, the aircrew radio their E.T.A. to Luqa operations room and confirm the nature of the cargo / passengers they are carrying and the specific arrangements required. Operations control duly advise load control and passenger control to make the necessary arrangements, including refuelling and the loading/unloading of cargo and passengers.
Content description
Film cuts to view of crew of incoming aircraft receiving permission to land from the control tower, Avro York (FM 400) lands and taxies to parking area. The loading officer boards the aircraft, passengers disembark, fuel bowser, passenger coach, and maintenance staff attend the aircraft. Two hours after landing at Luqa the flight is scheduled to continue to the next Staging Post, Tripoli, flown by a replacement crew (the Slip crew) who are briefed by the relevant officers, thus enabling them to plan their flight.
Content description
Reel 2: The incoming crew are debriefed and then meet the Slip crew to exchange technical information relating to the flights. The incoming crew proceed to the Mess and have a 24 hour break. Film cuts to the leisure activities available, veranda bar, swimming pool, female company, trips to the seaside. After their break the crew are briefed for their next flight and are seen walking to their Avro York. The passengers board and are settled by the cabin crew. The captain checks and signs the clearance forms, the aircraft takes off and maintains radio contact with the control tower for the first 2 minutes of flight. Camera cuts to a variety of clips that summarise the overall procedures seen at a major Staging Post.
Physical description