Object description
II. MS off the port quarter of HMS Kelvin (G.37) as she passes at speed between a minesweeping trawler and an Assurance Class tug - she flashes a signal. The cameraship keeps station on Kelvin's port quarter as she gathers way, turning to starboard - destroyers, merchantmen and liberty ships in LS background. MCUs of Kelvin's bridgework and bow wave - she has B turret trained over the starboard bow. Various MSs showing Kelvin as she runs at maximum speed in slight sea - Colony Class (?) light cruiser on the horizon. MS off the port quarter as Kelvin slows and then picks up speed again, throwing up a great wake - guns of camera ship's B turret visible at frame left. Kelvin enters anchorage - LSH(L) Hilary, destroyer, merchantman, HMS Scylla, Fairmile D ML, LSI(H) Royal Ulsterman and HMS Belfast in the background.
Object description
I. MLS to frigate steaming ahead of cameraship, and a small motor launch on the port bow - destroyers anchored in the background. MS fine on the starboard quarter of Admiralty type MMS 139 - second motor minesweeper and destroyers are anchored in the background. Camera ship passes off the port quarter of a flotilla of Bangor Class minesweepers riding at anchor - they include HMS Bangor (J.00) and HMS Bridport (J.50).
Object description
III. Two launches close on Kelvin's starboard quarter to pick up Churchill and party - LCP(L) crosses left to right in the foreground. MCUs of the destroyer's lattice mast and bridge, and the top of HF.DF mast. Churchill's launch makes for shore - two-funnel BYMS ("British Yard Mine Sweeper") , merchantman unloading into LCT(4) and (5), USCG cutter No 24, HMS Belfast, minesweeping trawlers, and bombardon visible in the background. MS of the launch underway - it passes a Bar Class boom defence vessel. Return of the launch - it rounds the stern of Kelvin to hook on - a LCP(L) is in company. Churchill, Smuts and Alanbrooke go onboard - the side party salutes.
Object description
IV. CU of port bow and forward 4in gun of LSI(L) Largs - the crew is gathered on the focsle - LCF and LCI(S) in the background. MLS fine on the port quarter of HMS Kelvin underway - she fires A and B turrets over the starboard bow. Kelvin approaches a group consisting of HMS Ramillies, Rodney and Ajax. MS as the cameraship makes to cross Rodney's port bow. MS off starboard bow of Ramillies as Kelvin passes behind her port bow (Ajax in the background), and MCU of the battleship's forward turrets and bridge as the cameraship follows Kelvin (Colony Class cruiser in the background). Final MS close on the port quarter of HMS Ajax.
Full description
I. MLS to frigate steaming ahead of cameraship, and a small motor launch on the port bow - destroyers anchored in the background. MS fine on the starboard quarter of Admiralty type MMS 139 - second motor minesweeper and destroyers are anchored in the background. Camera ship passes off the port quarter of a flotilla of Bangor Class minesweepers riding at anchor - they include HMS Bangor (J.00) and HMS Bridport (J.50).
Full description
II. MS off the port quarter of HMS Kelvin (G.37) as she passes at speed between a minesweeping trawler and an Assurance Class tug - she flashes a signal. The cameraship keeps station on Kelvin's port quarter as she gathers way, turning to starboard - destroyers, merchantmen and liberty ships in LS background. MCUs of Kelvin's bridgework and bow wave - she has B turret trained over the starboard bow. Various MSs showing Kelvin as she runs at maximum speed in slight sea - Colony Class (?) light cruiser on the horizon. MS off the port quarter as Kelvin slows and then picks up speed again, throwing up a great wake - guns of camera ship's B turret visible at frame left. Kelvin enters anchorage - LSH(L) Hilary, destroyer, merchantman, HMS Scylla, Fairmile D ML, LSI(H) Royal Ulsterman and HMS Belfast in the background.
Full description
III. Two launches close on Kelvin's starboard quarter to pick up Churchill and party - LCP(L) crosses left to right in the foreground. MCUs of the destroyer's lattice mast and bridge, and the top of HF.DF mast. Churchill's launch makes for shore - two-funnel BYMS ("British Yard Mine Sweeper") , merchantman unloading into LCT(4) and (5), USCG cutter No 24, HMS Belfast, minesweeping trawlers, and bombardon visible in the background. MS of the launch underway - it passes a Bar Class boom defence vessel. Return of the launch - it rounds the stern of Kelvin to hook on - a LCP(L) is in company. Churchill, Smuts and Alanbrooke go onboard - the side party salutes.
Full description
IV. CU of port bow and forward 4in gun of LSI(L) Largs - the crew is gathered on the focsle - LCF and LCI(S) in the background. MLS fine on the port quarter of HMS Kelvin underway - she fires A and B turrets over the starboard bow. Kelvin approaches a group consisting of HMS Ramillies, Rodney and Ajax. MS as the cameraship makes to cross Rodney's port bow. MS off starboard bow of Ramillies as Kelvin passes behind her port bow (Ajax in the background), and MCU of the battleship's forward turrets and bridge as the cameraship follows Kelvin (Colony Class cruiser in the background). Final MS close on the port quarter of HMS Ajax.
Physical description