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II. The camera examines a German position hidden by a thick hedgerow outside Demouville (?), notably the entrance to a dugout lined with timber and untidy jumble of soup containers, mess-tins, papers, tables, helmets, sleeping bags and Mauser Kar 98K rifles. A wrecked German BMW Kfz 2 signals car burns itself out. A Sherman tank destroyed by an '88' lies burnt-out among its own debris.
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I. Cromwell tanks belonging to the 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry 'brew-up' on the Bourguebus ridge during 11th Armoured Division's assault on Bras; a 3rd RTR Sherman reverses out of trouble in the foreground.
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III. Accompanied by carriers and towed anti-tank artillery, infantrymen from 8th Rifle Brigade's 'F' and 'H' companies (?) deploy in extended order in wheatfields near the Colombelles- Falaise railway embankment before assaulting Grentheville.
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IV. From the embankment, the camera surveys Cormelles and the Faubourg de Vaucelles, now in 2nd Canadian Corps' hands. In league behind the embankment are the 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry surviving Cromwells and Humber scout cars. A bridge carrying the Colombelles-Falaise railway line over the Caen- Vimont road (?) is seen intact. 11th Armoured Division sappers remove German-laid gelignite charges from the bridge.
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I. Cromwell tanks belonging to the 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry 'brew-up' on the Bourguebus ridge during 11th Armoured Division's assault on Bras; a 3rd RTR Sherman reverses out of trouble in the foreground.
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II. The camera examines a German position hidden by a thick hedgerow outside Demouville (?), notably the entrance to a dugout lined with timber and untidy jumble of soup containers, mess-tins, papers, tables, helmets, sleeping bags and Mauser Kar 98K rifles. A wrecked German BMW Kfz 2 signals car burns itself out. A Sherman tank destroyed by an '88' lies burnt-out among its own debris.
Full description
III. Accompanied by carriers and towed anti-tank artillery, infantrymen from 8th Rifle Brigade's 'F' and 'H' companies (?) deploy in extended order in wheatfields near the Colombelles- Falaise railway embankment before assaulting Grentheville.
Full description
IV. From the embankment, the camera surveys Cormelles and the Faubourg de Vaucelles, now in 2nd Canadian Corps' hands. In league behind the embankment are the 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry surviving Cromwells and Humber scout cars. A bridge carrying the Colombelles-Falaise railway line over the Caen- Vimont road (?) is seen intact. 11th Armoured Division sappers remove German-laid gelignite charges from the bridge.
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