Object description
II. Officers (6th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment) give directions to refugees from Malon, France. An infantryman pours water into a mess-tin; nearby, two riflemen and an officer survey Malon, where derelict and burning cottages are searched for snipers. An infantryman investigates a wrecked Citroën saloon as a jeep carrying a covered corpse (?) and a 210th Field Regiment RA despatch rider arrive in the village.
Object description
I. Infantrymen (2/6th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment) dig trenches near German graves in Anisy, France. Riflemen investigate abandoned cottages and farmyards. A dead pony lies beside a farm cart in a derelict farmyard; in the background, a 27th Armoured Brigade Sherman ARV motors through Anisy.
Object description
III. Lieutenant-Colonel Borradaile, OC 5th Battalion East Lancashire Regiment, holds an 'O' group with his company commanders in Malon. Men from HQ (?) company, including the CO (wearing spectacles and smoking a pipe), move off to occupy La Folie with a universal carrier and trailer loaded carrying small arms ammunition. Infantrymen make their way cautiously along stonewall-bounded lanes and adopt alert and aggressive stances for the cameraman.
Object description
IV. 'Hitlerjugend' snipers (26th [?] SS Panzer-Grenadier Regiment) are lined up by their captors (MPs and North Staffs or East Lancs) before being marched away.
Full description
I. Infantrymen (2/6th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment) dig trenches near German graves in Anisy, France. Riflemen investigate abandoned cottages and farmyards. A dead pony lies beside a farm cart in a derelict farmyard; in the background, a 27th Armoured Brigade Sherman ARV motors through Anisy.
Full description
II. Officers (6th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment) give directions to refugees from Malon, France. An infantryman pours water into a mess-tin; nearby, two riflemen and an officer survey Malon, where derelict and burning cottages are searched for snipers. An infantryman investigates a wrecked Citroën saloon as a jeep carrying a covered corpse (?) and a 210th Field Regiment RA despatch rider arrive in the village.
Full description
III. Lieutenant-Colonel Borradaile, OC 5th Battalion East Lancashire Regiment, holds an 'O' group with his company commanders in Malon. Men from HQ (?) company, including the CO (wearing spectacles and smoking a pipe), move off to occupy La Folie with a universal carrier and trailer loaded carrying small arms ammunition. Infantrymen make their way cautiously along stonewall-bounded lanes and adopt alert and aggressive stances for the cameraman.
Full description
IV. 'Hitlerjugend' snipers (26th [?] SS Panzer-Grenadier Regiment) are lined up by their captors (MPs and North Staffs or East Lancs) before being marched away.
Physical description