Object description
Technical training film focusing on the first line servicing procedure for the Gloster Meteor F Mk.8, most probably filmed at RAF North Weald in Essex.
Content description
Film opens with the following: "The object of this film is to present a general picture of First Line Servicing on fighter aircraft. The complete servicing is covered by the aircraft servicing schedule. As an aid to instruction the presentation of the items featured, and the tempo of the film, have been deliberately slowed down in order to permit a better appreciation of the procedure to be followed." "Where the terms "daily" and "daily x" are used, the current terms "primary" and "primary x" should be substituted."
Content description
Meteor fighters on airfield awaiting scramble order. Description of "tele-scramble" phone line attached to each aircraft for communicating with Wing Ops Room and/or Sector HQ. Description of ground crew role. Operations Room role in scrambling aircraft. Start up procedure and aircraft taxi out - "N•W" on one aircraft, 33 Squadron? - aircraft take off in pairs. One aircraft goes unservicable and role of back up aircraft in such a situation. Operational Readiness Platform being cleared of tele-scramble cables and other equipment. Continued role of Wing Ops Room in exercise. "Technical Wing HQ" role explained. Return of aircraft to base after sortie and dispersal to Servicing Platform. Danger of FOD or equipment left on platform to taxiing aircraft. Marshalling aircraft. Positioning aircraft that have fired rounds for safety from accidental discharge. Making ejection seat safe. Form 700 completion by pilot. After flight servicing explained – all trades involved - engines, wireless, photo, etc. Gun camera film replaced and gun sight calibrated. Replenishing oxygen system. Refuelling. Rearming guns. Ground testing the defective aircraft that suffered a loss of power/"wet start" on scramble. Servicing element required to deal with visiting aircraft also. Before flight servicing described. Notification of aircraft readiness to Commander. Moving aircraft to ORP in preparation for further scambles/sorties.
Physical description