Object description
Reels 10 to 14 of a series of films filmed at the Ministry of Supply factory at Rhydymywn in North Wales during the Second World War. The factory was the sole producer of mustard gas in Wales during the war, and research was carried out here relating to Britain's efforts to produce an atomic bomb.
Content description
Reel 10: "FPC Routine Drill" - Decontamination procedures after working in a toxic hazardous environment. Ensuring tools are decontaminated and any traces of vesicant/blister agent are removed, "Protection is better than cure". "Non-Toxic Worker" - ensuring that workers not involved with toxic processes observe decontamination procedures should they come into contact with with contaminated equipment. "Toxic" worker assists a non toxic worker following exposure, "Fools will dare when hands are bare". "Home Lessons" - office worker accidentally brushes against unchecked shell and develops blister later at home. Contacts works medical team for advice and attends for treatment for mustard gas burn of first degree, "Have confidence in the factory doctor".
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Reel 11: "Eye & Hair Decontamination" - procedures for dealing with spillage of vesicant, demonstrated by worker having eyes and hair contaminated in accident. Prompt action is vital. Obey site notices regarding traffic (accident caused by reckless cyclist), "Look further than your nose and you'll see others point of view". "Golden Rules" - points about safety at work - do not take contaminated clothing into canteen, observe personal hygiene before eating, remove gloves before touching face ensuring only the inside of the glove is handled. Pull trolley up ramp not push to prevent accidents, "An accident a day keeps victory away".
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Reel 12: "Accident in FPC and Subsequent Drill" - working in charging cubicle – worker must be in full FPC and have an attendant in LPC with respirator observing. Procedures for dealing with accident and exposure to toxic material by fitter and attendant. Procedure for removing contaminated FPC and disposal of FPC and respirator, "Don't take chances, take precautions". "Leakers" - process to be followed should a charged shell be found to have leaked it's contents. Area affected by 'leaker' is also decontaminated and cleaned down, "Do not delay, act at once".
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Reel 13: "For Your Protection" - Cleaning contaminated FPC using boiling water tanks and immersing equipment for varying times. Repairing damaged oilskins and rubber gloves and testing repairs. Cleaning, testing and repairing respirators, "Protective clothing has proved its worth now prove yours".
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Reel 14: "Ground Contamination" - Transferring vesicant liqueur from storage pots to vehicle tanker for transport off site. Driver needs to be wearing LPC equipment. Simulated spillage dealt with by ground contamination squad in full FPC and once completed inspected by management before cordon removed, "It's no good crying over spilt liquor, decontaminate the area".
Physical description