Object description
(2) 'Battle for Guam'. Naval bombardment: a WP shell explodes onshore. Tennessee class battleship bombards with 14-inch and 5-inch guns; sequence onboard LCS(L)(3) firing 3-inch/50 DP. Formations of TBD Avengers fly inland. Shells explode onshore. LS of crashing aircraft. The invasion fleet forms up for landing: LVT(2) disembark from LCT and LCVs and LVT (A) (1) run ashore. The bombardment continues and overhead smoke canisters drift down. Protected by smoke screens, landing craft lie just offshore - LCM(3)s, LCV and LCP(L), LCT(5) crowded with armour - some enemy fire is evident. LVTs run in towards the beach-one gets caught on exposed rocks near the shore. Men wade through waist-deep water. Shots of motor transport and LVTs wading ashore. Map illustrates Guam's strategic position on the route to Japan and the Philippines. Scenes of casualty evacuation by LCV. Troops dig in a 75mm M1 howitzer and infantry advances inland in open order. A destroyed Japanese bunker and a burning LVT(A)(1) mark the advance. Beach-head is consolidated and the United States flag is raised.
Object description
(1) Short sequence showing fighter interception of V1.
Full description
(1) Short sequence showing fighter interception of V1.
Full description
(2) 'Battle for Guam'. Naval bombardment: a WP shell explodes onshore. Tennessee class battleship bombards with 14-inch and 5-inch guns; sequence onboard LCS(L)(3) firing 3-inch/50 DP. Formations of TBD Avengers fly inland. Shells explode onshore. LS of crashing aircraft. The invasion fleet forms up for landing: LVT(2) disembark from LCT and LCVs and LVT (A) (1) run ashore. The bombardment continues and overhead smoke canisters drift down. Protected by smoke screens, landing craft lie just offshore - LCM(3)s, LCV and LCP(L), LCT(5) crowded with armour - some enemy fire is evident. LVTs run in towards the beach-one gets caught on exposed rocks near the shore. Men wade through waist-deep water. Shots of motor transport and LVTs wading ashore. Map illustrates Guam's strategic position on the route to Japan and the Philippines. Scenes of casualty evacuation by LCV. Troops dig in a 75mm M1 howitzer and infantry advances inland in open order. A destroyed Japanese bunker and a burning LVT(A)(1) mark the advance. Beach-head is consolidated and the United States flag is raised.
Physical description