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An edition of the British official newsreel "World Pictorial News", produced by the Ministry of Information, Middle East.
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I. 'AUSTRALIA- FOOD RELIEF FOR INDIA.' Australian land workers walk through a wheat field as a horse-drawn combine-harvester is operated nearby. The commentary states that it is the Australian Wheat Board's intention to plough and sow every available acre in support of India's famine. Brief footage shows the exterior of a large Australian flour mill. Flour mill workers off-load filled sacks of dehusked wheat from a conveyor belt. Elsewhere, Australian dock workers use gaffs to load sacks of flour into a merchantman bound for Karachi. Inspectors and newsmen check imported foodstuffs at Karachi Docks. Foodstuffs are unloaded from the hold of an Australian merchant ship by quayside hoist. Karachi dock workers load the cargo cars of a waiting steam locomotive. NWR steam locomotive 744 pulls out of the dockyard sidings bound for "scarcity areas".
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II. 'GERMANY- DEEP SEA SWIM SUITS.' A German factory worker places a newly assembled deep sea diver's helmet from a rack. Film footage taken in the interior of a German factory manufacturing diving equipment shows male factory workers manufacturing helmets and helmet seals. Female factory workers attach airhoses to the back of diving helmets. A diver wearing deep sea gear climbs into a testing tank watched by a colleague looking through an observation window. A diver from a German bomb disposal team works from a tethered barge in an unidentified dock location. Crowds watch from the quayside as the diver signals his team-mates to winch up a (250-lb ?) bomb and an 88mm anti-aircraft shell recovered from the harbour floor.
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III. 'THAILAND- FIRE RAVAGES BANGKOK.' Raging fires burn houses in the Silver Market district of Bangkok. Residents grab belongings as firefighters attempt to tackle the blaze. Thai soldiers carry injured from a blaze. Refugees queue for food from a field kitchen.
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IV. 'NEWS FROM ENGLAND.' Panoramic footage shows capacity crowds (135,000) who have gathered at Hampden Park to see an England v Scotland football international. Highlights of the match follow. Spectators line the streets of Stratford upon Avon as the annual procession of remembrance files past. Flags of the United Nations fly in a Stratford square. United States footage shows veteran car enthusiasts dressed in Edwardian clothes enjoying a spin in a restored veteran car (unidentified type). Elsewhere (Britain) crowds of spectators watch sports cars racing over grass tracks. Double-decker London buses are serviced at a depot prior to being shipped over to Bombay. A double-decker bus is driven along the busy streets of Bombay.
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