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An edition of the British official newsreel "World Pictorial News", produced by the Ministry of Information, Middle East.
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I. 'DYNAMOS IN BRITAIN.' A large crowd of spectators watch a ("friendly") football match between Glasgow Rangers and Moscow Dynamos at Ibrox Park, Glasgow. The highlights of the match are shown. Ibrox Park's capacity crowd cheer Rangers on.
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II. 'INSIDE JAPAN.' A bare-chested Japanese civilian attempts to mend the corrugated metal roof of a temporary dwelling in a bomb devastated part of Tokyo. Panoramic footage shows temporary shacks in a Tokyo street. Japanese refugees squat on the floor of a railway station as an overcrowded electric train arrives at the platform. Wrecked Japanese merchant shipping is shown at the docks at Yokohama. Partially completed submarines rest in their construction pens at Yokohama, a partially completed aircraft carrier is moored in the bay. Elsewhere, Royal Navy (RN) ratings are carried to shore by landing craft. Aerial footage shows devastated buildings in stricken Nagasaki following the explosion of the atom bomb (plutonium) on August 9 1945. Ground footage shows more destruction in the city. An RN officer walks amongst the rubble of damaged buildings (Nagasaki ?). Off-duty RN ratings haggle with Japanese stall-holders over the price of silk goods. Smiling RN ratings return from their shopping expedition carrying parcels.
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III. 'U.N.O. CONFERENCE OPENS.' National flags of the General Assembly fly over the inaugural meeting place of the United Nations Organisation (UNO) at Central Hall, Westminster. Civilian crowds gather in Whitehall to glimpse the arrival of conference delegates as a London policeman and Royal Navy (RN) military policeman look on. Internal footage pans over groups of General Assembly members including delegates from Turkey, Arabia, China, Columbia, and Yugoslavia. The Acting Chairman, Dr Zuleta, opens the proceedings by introducing British Prime Minister Clement R Attlee. Eleanor Roosevelt is shown with the US delegation. Attlee makes his opening speech (live) on the themes of the negation of war, the triumph of right over might and the need for a courageous approach to the challenges of peace. Further views of General Assembly delegates follow including China, Chile, Argentine, and Poland. Delegates cast individual votes in a sealed ballot box during the election of UNO President. The item concludes with newly elected UNO President Mr Paul-Henri Spaak of Belgium taking his seat on the central rostrum.
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