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An edition of the British official newsreel "War Pictorial News", produced by the Ministry of Information, Middle East.
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I. 'BOMBER COMMAND STRIKES AGAIN.' Short Stirling bomber aircraft of 7 Squadron RAF are parked at dispersal prior to a raid on the Renault works at Billancourt, France. The Stirling's Bristol Hercules engines are warmed up as a tractor tows bombs of various sizes towards the parked aircraft. The commentary points out that the Stirling can carry up to eight tons of bombs over scenes of RAF ground crews winching 500lb bombs into a Stirling's bomb bay. RAF aircrews are given a final mission briefing by a Wing Commander . The air crews climb into their aircraft as the commentary points out that the Renault works are but a short distance compared with the Stirling's usual targets inside Germany. Short Stirling bombers take off from an undisclosed location and formate for their trip to France. Various views of a Stirling's interior with the wireless operator and navigator at their work stations. The commentary points out the necessity for bombing accuracy as post-sortie reconnaissance photographs show extensive damage to what is portrayed to be the Renault works at Billancourt. Stirling bombers are parked back at dispersal following the raid as the commentary stresses that the Germans wanted a spring offensive and that the RAF are giving them just that.
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II. 'TWO NATIONS UNITE.' The commentary describes China as the "cradle of civilisation" and highlights the general placidity and peace-loving nature of the Chinese people. A map of China is shown followed by street and commercial scenes in an undisclosed Chinese city. The commentary describes how peace in China was shattered by the Japanese six years previously as busy street scenes in a commercial district are contrasted with an uninhabited area of bomb damaged buildings. The commentary is quick to stress the unity of the Chinese people brought about by General Chiang Kai-shek's regime. General Chiang Kai-shek's visit to India is highlighted over footage of Madame Chiang Kai-shek talking to Lord Linlithgow, Viceroy of India. General Chiang Kai-shek takes the salute during a march-past of British, Indian and Gurkha troops. The Chinese national flag is shown with the word "Unity" superimposed on it.
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III. 'RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE.' The commentary introduces Marshal Semyon Timoshenko and describes him as one of the Russian military leaders who has broken the myth of German invincibility. Marshal Timoshenko, Khrushchev and Colonel-General Cherevichenko examine a map showing troop dispositions. Russian infantry armed with Karabin obr 1938g 7.62mm carbines form part of an immense column of troops stretching to the horizon. Elsewhere, Russian infantry march past abandoned enemy horse-drawn equipment carrying Samozaryadnaya Vintovka Tokareva obr 1940g (SVT-40) 7.62mm automatic rifles. German defensive positions and trench-works are uncovered by the melting snows. German prisoners are marched through snow covered wooded country as Russian troops cut down Fir trees for fuel. Russian artillerymen fire a 122mm Pushka obr 1931/37g heavy artillery gun as plumes of snow are raised by the impact from the gun's shell. Russian troops run past a burning Isba (wooden lodge house) dragging a Stankovy Pulemyot Maksima obr 1910g 7.92mm heavy machine gun on a Sokolov carriage. Russian troops use the foundations of a bridge over to avoid enemy fire as they attempt to cross a frozen river. The commentary stresses that British supplies to Russia have reached a new high level over views of crated foodstuffs and artillery shells. Russian Infantry enter a snow covered hamlet.
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