Object description
A collection of twelve Ministry of Food "Food Flashes", each lasting between ten and twenty seconds and each having a "Food Flash" logo at the beginning. (NB: All the flashes have a voice-over commentary, which is represented in inverted commas.)
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(1) "Check that the address on your Identity Card and Ration Book are the same; if not, take them to your local food office." [UNIDENTIFIED]
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(2) Information on how to claim the new weekly 2-1/2 oz tea ration: take 12 oz on odd 4-week periods, 8 oz on even. [No. 19 "Tea Ration" 23/7/1945 ?]
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(3) "Now that the fat ration has been cut, why not... take it up every two weeks instead of every one?" (Poor quality film on this flash) [No. 18 "Fats Reduced" 16/7/1945 ?]
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(4) All young workers up to 21 can get National Milk Cocoa at work. [No. 33 "National Milk Cocoa" 12/11/1945 ?]
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(5) "If you want to cook well, you must measure well" - housewife demonstrates. [UNIDENTIFIED]
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(6) "The war is over but food is short still" so avoid waste. "Bread is worth more than dough these days!" [No. 26 "Waste Bread" 17/9/1945 ?]
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(7) "You may be out of uniform but there are plenty of dates around" - fruit ("only 4 points a pound") and a young woman ("What's the best point about this one?") [No. 35 "Dried Fruit - Dates" 25/11/1945 ?]
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(8) Powdered milk is here again - one tin for each ration book every 8 weeks. [No. 30 "New Dried Milk" 22/10/1945 ?]
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(9) "More potatoes are about now, and some are smaller, and like this [young woman] are equally good with jackets on and off!" [No. 1 "Small Potatoes" 5/3/1945 ?]
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(10) An extra pint of milk is available for children - "don't put this milk in the family jug, put it in Jimmy's mug!" [No. 32 "Kiddies Milk" 5/11/1945 ?]
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(11) Details of extra rations for Christmas. [No. 144 "Christmas Fare" 11/12/1944 ?]
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(12) Demonstration of how to bone a herring. [UNIDENTIFIED]
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