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II. Bastille Day celebrations in France.
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I. US troops in training.
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III. British cavalry training.
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IV. British infantry train with the bayonet.
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I. 'U.S. TROOPS IN TRAINING. American troops taking part in a musical ride at New Jersey'. HA.LS across open square/parade ground as mounted troops form up into a square, ride round in concentric circles and perform other amusing evolutions.
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II. 'PAGEANT IN PARIS. M. Poincaré President of the French Republic reviews troops taking part in the ceremonial parade in connection with the celebrations of the 14th. of July'. Poincaré comes down steps with other dignitaries. March past by French troops with wheeled machine guns is followed by bicycle troops and lancers. 'TROOPS OF THE ALLIES. Led by the Scots Guards band, English, Scottish, Canadian, Australian, Indian and Russian troops march through Paris'. Scots Guards band leads long column of British and Imperial troops. The Russians come up the rear preceded by their own band and marching in much wider ranks - approximately seventeen men wide compared to the British ranks of four men. The camera is looking down the Champs de Mars to the Invalides.
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III. 'CAVALRY IN ACTION. The strenuous training of our mounted troops enabled them to clear the ground, broken by artillery fire, and push through into the third line of German defences'. Cavalry gallop through a stream - one animal stumbles as it emerges from the water but regains its feet, although only after a second horse has apparently trampled upon it. The detachment trots two abreast along the course of the stream, the water reaching the horses' chests.
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IV. 'MERCY! CAMERADE! Some of our "Tommies" practising with the bayonet. The sight of cold steel drives terror into the heart of the German and compels him to yell for mercy'. MS of troops bayoneting filled sacks some suspended from an overhead beam, others lying on the ground - a large tented encampment is visible in the background. Another group of sacks inhabit a trench - they too are killed. LS as men rise from a shallow trench to run forward with bayonets fixed - a few are shot dead and lie gazing glassily at the camera.
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