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II. French, Italian and British bandsmen in Paris.
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I. Scenes in Dublin after the suppression of the Easter Rebellion.
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I. 'THE DUBLIN REBELLION. Exclusive pictures of the scene of the fighting in Dublin.' 'River Liffey and Embankment, British Troops and Artillery Marching through the streets of Dublin. Soldiers on guard over a ruined building.' HA pan over O'Connell Bridge and the street beyond showing the ruined buildings between the bridge and Nelson's Pillar. LS along the Liffey and the embankment. Soldiers with shouldered arms march past smouldering ruins. Artillery limbers and wagons pass by. MS of shattered buildings - locals stand about surveying the debris. MS past a pile of rubble and a toppled street lamp to a passing column of troops. Soldiers with fixed bayonets guard a still-smoking ruin. LS of municipal building overlooking the Liffey. 'The Post Office and Metropole Hotel after the battle, the interior of the Post Office which is completely gutted. Sackville St ruins.' Ruins of the Metropole Hotel and pan left to Post Office building. MS interior of the gutted Post Office - a few men wander about in the wreckage. A fire engine ladder is extended up into the ruins. A group of labourers start to break up debris in still smouldering interior. 'A street barricade, batches of rebels being marched off to the Quay, one of the looted shops, soldiers on guard having their meals in the street.' MS of smashed windows, the frames partially filled with sandbags. A soldier stands by a low barricade made from planks and a ladder laid across a street. Detachment of soldiers marches by followed by a Red Cross wagon - visible within the ranks of soldiers are a few prisoners. MS of the smashed window of a looted shop - the remains of the window writing suggest that it may have sold sweets - a crowd mill about in the foreground. Three soldiers sit on the pavement eating - one drinks from his canteen.
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II. 'ALLIES' BANDS IN PARIS. Bands of the Garde Republicaine, the Italian Carabinieri and the Coldstream Guards, attend the festival for wounded at the Trocadero. Mdle. Paule Andral singing the National Anthems of the Allies.' MS of Mademoiselle Andral as she sings standing in the open air - she is dressed as a 'personification of the nation'. MS of bandsmen posing for the camera - the British very subfusc compared to their Italian and French counterparts. The men exchange hats, one pipe-smoking Guardsman donning the plumed tricorn of the Carabinieri.
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