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Tests of various types of explosive devices and methods of attaching charges to cars: these take place at Brickendonbury House in Hertfordshire ("Station XVII").
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I. In a woodland area a Sergeant places a case containing three incendiary devices on the ground. The explosion and smoke are seen. A circular plastic explosive (PE) charge is put on a steel plate. An improvised charge with a time pencil fuse is attached to a fuel tank from a vehicle. The charge detonates, spreading burning fuel over the surroundings.
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II. In woodland an improvised clam charge consisting of PE, time pencil and magnets is shown. The charge is placed on the back of a motor car and then removed. As the car moves off a man in civilian clothes perches briefly on the rear bumper to place a device underneath and then gets off. The man then removes the device. A civilian emerges from concealment, crawls to the back of the stationary car and attaches a device from his pocket to the rear before crawling back to cover. Lance Corporal Ralph Cowan, in battle dress, emerges from the woods to place a device under the rear bumper of the car as it moves along a track. The device is retrieved.
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III. A Royal Artillery Sergeant standing in front of piles of wooden crates marked "Octopus" puts a time pencil fuse into a Mills grenade which he then places on the side of a crate. He holds up the fuse and grenade for the camera.
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IV. In the woodland area (as in I) the film shows a fuse attached to a felled tree being lit with some difficulty. The fuse burns and an explosion splits the tree. A group of men (six civilians, and officer and a soldier) lay charges and light fuses before retiring to safety. The charges detonate one by one. A soldier fixes a gelignite charge to a post. A cordtex fuse stretches from the post to two charges attached to a section of railway track. A soldier lying on the ground fires a rifle at the gelignite in order to set off the fuse leading to the other charges. The charges explode and the resulting shattered pieces of track are collected.
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V. A soldier holds a limpet mine with time pencil and magnets for the camera. A man in Free French naval (?) uniform holds a limpet and then places it on a steel plate leaning against a tree. He lights the fuse and retires. The plate is shown with a hole in it.
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