Object description
II. "Taranto is the target." 9th USAAF Liberator aircraft is bombed up before a raid on Taranto, partially obscured by light cloud.
Object description
I. "World problem - coal." Importance of coal in the Allied war effort is illustrated by two separate items: ex-miner soldiers in the Canadian Army are encouraged to volunteer to return to the pits (Canadian exchanges uniform for mining clothes, poses happily with wife and child, then coal-face scenes in pit under the Atlantic). In contrast to this satisfactory situation is the "intolerable" state of affairs in the US mines where half a million miners are on strike (film of 1939 pithead scenes with troops guarding coal wagons) and negotiations are being held between miners' leader Lewis and Fuel Administrator Ickes.
Object description
III. "King visits North African Doughboys." King George VI, accompanied by Sir James Grigg and Generals Clark and Patton, takes the salute at a marchpast by US soldiers, then lunches with his guests outside.
Object description
IV. "Heroes all." Recipients of decorations at Buckingham Palace include Rear Admiral Burnett, 1940 VC Lieutenant-Commander Stannard and Wing-Commander Gibson VC (with his wife) and other members of 617 Squadron.
Object description
V. "Battle of the Ruhr." General tribute to Bomber Command, also map of Ruhr and recce stills of devastated Düsseldorf.
Full description
I. "World problem - coal." Importance of coal in the Allied war effort is illustrated by two separate items: ex-miner soldiers in the Canadian Army are encouraged to volunteer to return to the pits (Canadian exchanges uniform for mining clothes, poses happily with wife and child, then coal-face scenes in pit under the Atlantic). In contrast to this satisfactory situation is the "intolerable" state of affairs in the US mines where half a million miners are on strike (film of 1939 pithead scenes with troops guarding coal wagons) and negotiations are being held between miners' leader Lewis and Fuel Administrator Ickes.
Full description
II. "Taranto is the target." 9th USAAF Liberator aircraft is bombed up before a raid on Taranto, partially obscured by light cloud.
Full description
III. "King visits North African Doughboys." King George VI, accompanied by Sir James Grigg and Generals Clark and Patton, takes the salute at a marchpast by US soldiers, then lunches with his guests outside.
Full description
IV. "Heroes all." Recipients of decorations at Buckingham Palace include Rear Admiral Burnett, 1940 VC Lieutenant-Commander Stannard and Wing-Commander Gibson VC (with his wife) and other members of 617 Squadron.
Full description
V. "Battle of the Ruhr." General tribute to Bomber Command, also map of Ruhr and recce stills of devastated Düsseldorf.
Physical description