Object description
2 ms diaries covering August and October - December 1914 (109pp), and August - November 1914 (95pp), with a later ms account (25pp) based on his diary entries for August - September 1914, written as a NCO serving with the 5th Battalion Royal Irish Lancers (3rd Cavalry Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division), containing useful descriptions of his callup from the reserve and embarkation for the Western Front, his involvement in the Battles of Mons (24 August), Le Cateau (26 August), the Marne (6 - 12 September) and the Aisne (12 - 21 September), and the First Battle of Ypres (October - November), the welcome from the French, alleged German atrocities, the presence of Indian troops in the trenches, and inspections by HRH King George V, the Prince of Wales and FM Sir John French, together with 2 Pay Books (AB64), his Discharge (AF B2077) and Transfer to Army Reserve (AF D426) certificates dated March 1903, Discharge (AF B2079) and Character (AF B2067) certificates dated September 1919, ts letter (January 1919) refusing a request for demobilisation, 2 forms for rail tickets on leave (AF W3950, January 1919), 2 ts forms (AF B73) accompanying Italian service medals and a congratulatory message (AF C2121), a printed map of the Fourth Army administrative area on the Somme, ms orders promoting him to acting Squadron Sergeant Major attached to the Military Mounted Police (July 1916), ms letter and reply (4pp, January 1912) concerning his entitlement to wear military clasps, printed sheet (2pp, October 1915) regarding German arms expenditure, ts Special Order of the Day (1p, April 1918), ts orders for guarding POWs (September 1915) and a translated German document offering advice if captured (September 1918), 6 ts messages and movement orders for 34th Divisional HQ (November 1917 - August 1918), two ms message books (in wallet), newspaper cuttings regarding the final battles of the war including an extract from one of his letters, a postcard from his son (September 1914) and a photograph of him on his horse. The papers refer to `Victor Botting', his dead elder brother under whose name he enlisted.
Content description
2 ms diaries covering August and October - December 1914 (109pp), and August - November 1914 (95pp), with a later ms account (25pp) based on his diary entries for August - September 1914, written as a NCO serving with the 5th Battalion Royal Irish Lancers (3rd Cavalry Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division), containing useful descriptions of his callup from the reserve and embarkation for the Western Front, his involvement in the Battles of Mons (24 August), Le Cateau (26 August), the Marne (6 - 12 September) and the Aisne (12 - 21 September), and the First Battle of Ypres (October - November), the welcome from the French, alleged German atrocities, the presence of Indian troops in the trenches, and inspections by HRH King George V, the Prince of Wales and FM Sir John French, together with 2 Pay Books (AB64), his Discharge (AF B2077) and Transfer to Army Reserve (AF D426) certificates dated March 1903, Discharge (AF B2079) and Character (AF B2067) certificates dated September 1919, ts letter (January 1919) refusing a request for demobilisation, 2 forms for rail tickets on leave (AF W3950, January 1919), 2 ts forms (AF B73) accompanying Italian service medals and a congratulatory message (AF C2121), a printed map of the Fourth Army administrative area on the Somme, ms orders promoting him to acting Squadron Sergeant Major attached to the Military Mounted Police (July 1916), ms letter and reply (4pp, January 1912) concerning his entitlement to wear military clasps, printed sheet (2pp, October 1915) regarding German arms expenditure, ts Special Order of the Day (1p, April 1918), ts orders for guarding POWs (September 1915) and a translated German document offering advice if captured (September 1918), 6 ts messages and movement orders for 34th Divisional HQ (November 1917 - August 1918), two ms message books (in wallet), newspaper cuttings regarding the final battles of the war including an extract from one of his letters, a postcard from his son (September 1914) and a photograph of him on his horse. The papers refer to `Victor Botting', his dead elder brother under whose name he enlisted.
History note
Cataloguer APR
History note
Catalogue date 1997-05-09